York Democratic Press from York, Pennsylvania (2024)

vT V- m.y:; i I4 i Legal Advertisem*nts. Vavchy's A dveriisem*nUi Administrator's Executors one Auditor's Notices, 1 Miscellaneous AVEK FuCENsiT UgATVRIHP.i On the 80th by ev. Jacob Zlrg-1 Leahder Becker and Susie Ai Miller, both of this-borough i A Great Torrents Trac The Lift or! a Thriving Toller Swept Away lii no Ilnur. Comndnisated. Bov.

SOJ.OX3 Oswxi-n Rev. Mr. Oswald, waa bora Jxuuary 981b, 1810, la Washington comity. Mil. In Infancy ha waa consecrated toOod In bsptltpi, fo early baptismal voul ha subsa-qoenlly, having attained a aultaiile agol continued by x'pnblw prolaaakm ot hla faith in'thtj Lonl Jean Christ.

Ar about the age of twenty ha repaired to OeUyabarc, la order there to parane hla Otaaelcal and theological atnillea, ana thua prepare klrnuM for the work of the gospel ministry. Having spent Are years In this capacity ha wu ordained. In the year lft by taeMaryland Synod, a minister of the gospel In the Rr. Lutli. L'hnrcfc.

Ills firs and only Held of ministerial labor waa Inj MiL, where he faithfully and sueceasruily preached the word for about four yean. Uaslgnfng thta pes-. ral relation, ha next assumed charge Female Esmlnany or school in Frederick, which pi. aitlQO, however, owing to the health of runs of his family, ho waa able to eqntlnna only one year. In tap year.

1840, he removed to York, where ho has ever alneo resided, engaged In tha drag and book bnalnpa. preaching the goapel frequently aa opportunity presented Itoelf, and as hla limited strength permitted. at Up long her a rend an ha wm, of eonhe, among our bent known, ettlaeaii and never perhaps has any one parsed away whose Ufa waa more Mu, onghly honor AbU, consistent, and useful than hla has been. Aa many can testify, ho was always prominent In frary good work; ready, at all timet' and in ey try, possible way, to help forward every object designed to promote the morsT and religious Interests of society. The rSoae of Tsispsranoa had In bold and steadfast aapporterj Th greet IS HfMS.m WW" "-r A woollen mill SncL flooding ths whole under part of the null.

Mr. nine's loss Is about $70S00U Inun dame's, mill the flood glided Swiftly around the great bend of the valley, sparirg Ibe houses of Jamesville, whusa iuliauitants, mu, women, aud-pliUdrpn, lmd. camped in their wagons (in the hill interior- ever since Wednesday night, aud rushed furiously upon Stoneville.Hvhere a dam, two-bridges, and a small dwelling house were swept away. Here great numbers of floating trees, limber aud quantities of debris -of ud kinds werellirowu upon tlio shore. Hetaruihg aliuihit on its track, the Curtiss factory dausing a load of reeroased therailroad, uuderminaed a small, archtd-stone bridge, and tore, tip the track for half a mile, theq.

swept" u-round into New Wofcester, where It destroyed a highway bridge- and live frame dwellings, and tore down half of Marbles tbreerstory brick machinery nd of CurtisS blanket milL The loss qere was about 00.000, Then dashiLg across a broad' meadow, the water struck the large double-attb granite bridge of tbe Boston aud Albany lUilroait anil after backing up if to gain forpe, it burst through the arches, hurling about the squarea granite blocks like The course of. the flood, wbidh had now somewhat a-bated in force; was next across a broad valley running around to South Wor-cesler. tux woiiK. Here slightly damaged Coes wrench factory, tore awaythellornville dam, undermined "a covered wooden bridge on the Norwich and Worcester railroad, washed away several, hundred feet ot Chat read south of th bridge, destroyed tliei bridge old New xorkjuid Wjtston turnpike, slightly lu luring othwanills and a bridge of the Providawnr and i Worcester, plunged through tbe of Quiusigamoud, and frightened many people out of their housegszitbout ssr-iousljr -damaging them, and arlength pouredlnto the Blackstone river caused its waters to rise alarmingly; It was three-! hours after: the dam broke before the flood reached Its height, nt houth Worcester. Its whole broad track is a desert of mud, stones, and gravel, mingled-with the debris of mills aud dwelling houses and pieces of -brok en machinery! it seems certain that no lives, were lost? The total -damage done isf about! $500,000.

Of this the Boston ftnd Albany Railroad Company probaby sustains $75,000, and the. Norwich and Worcester $1(000, The cause oCthe disaster is generally conceded to bo a fault in tha construction, by which leak was able to form under the dam; The use of flush boards to increase the quantity of watei is believed to have hastened the disaster Sunday School cause, gieo, always tyuna la him one of Its most devoted friends. Especially, tonr evar. wu he interfaced and active ik the canes, belng-for many -y earn the TreaH irer of the York County Btfito Hoclety, giving an I for tha advaneement e8thMl effectl i kelp to the dhward movement or the kingdom of Christ, i The canaa alao of education lay near to hla heart, ever allowing a deep concern Airtlfb pi japerlty of th public school and warmly lntareal id alao In the welfare of bur York County Academy, of which loatltnUon at tha time of hia death he and trusts And thna In hvery good wbrk he waa qyar among the faramoat, uaselSahly ant ehaarfUJ- ly giving hla time add talent, and means ilad, to tha promoUon of everything leading to the nbUc bea- man, hi the onXary social rclatu na of fifs, XT, Oawald wee prt-emlnently genial an I winning, courteous In hia manners, tmgUtfnl of the opto-! Iona and wish of others, and ever nail to partly helping act. We wu an InteUlgei it, reflned chrlattaa genii man.

Aa a prearlu he wu hough tfnl aad inatrnctlve, rich In the mre truth of Gods word, and reaching tha kearta hla haa: art throagh the nnderetamling and Jndgn ent rather than by any Sights of fancy or appeals 1 1 the emotion It I however, eepeetslly eh mtun, aa hnmblo dieelple of tha leased gavtor In whom akme ha treated fur aalvatioa, that twsld will longaat ad moat tenderly live la the lemoiy of those wM knew hint, pwaan Aaa cl eminent piety, one who dally walked with GoJ and -yho hourly looked hr the earning of hi Dl fine -Lord and Xaeter. Thero were hiaay tralte In hla piety wrnthy of Imitation. HUhnmble optaUoji of elf; hia eharttable Judgment the eohdoet aad ehsraetorof otbera; hie love for the wdrahlp and onllnancM of Gods honaa; the eooalateniy, and np-rightaau of hla dally, life before the worth; hia ear-m study and tlioroagh Knowledge of di wordy his to the divine will nnder angering; tie abiding wmSilenee In the promleee of God; hie unwavering faith la Chriat as hla paramsl Bavtar; hie lave of' prayer and poor in prayer; 11 three were prominent eharaotertatlea im bin. pw, Ha whs a good man, and fnn of thoHolyGhbet qadof 'Bat ha la now gon Ha ta, at la it, a met. His hlghoat earthly wish la.

at length realised! ha le with Christ, which la fhr better. The death of Br Oswald wm onaof gqest peee In tihth It wu no death. It wu abnpljj depar-. tore; a sweat failing asleep In Chriat; i gioriou triumph; the oooqnerar, laden with th apoda of victory, preaalnghia way In through the open gate ot pearl to obtain his erowd, i'-. Sf so tt la not dying To go nnto our uod; This gloomy oaith forsaking Our Joqrney homeward taking -Along the marry road." -Death to him had no tarron.

Hlnmlm waa stayed oOod. Great wpakla poacs; mromf his faith; bright hla hopa; Certain hla aaabrqnca dr batter HfO, To him heaven wu aQ the lime 1 1 foil and giorloui ylew. And haaee, whan, at last, yhaamn-. mode came, with Joy hla raptarad aplrtt eft IM taa. amant of clay and bodndad hom*o to I.

Shortly be fora hi departure, knowing that his hoar had eoina, and hearing tha approaching foMtopa of hla coming Lord, ha called aH hia friend to hU bad a da and gava to each a tendet and tovlng farawall, wAhi aii to moaf him In haa van. Ahdj than, hla Ufa-work ha soon afterward tank into pn-oonoeioaanau and oattly tranquilly poaasd awiytobiahravanly ram. Thna Uvad aad thna died tha Bov. Sdomen OBj wald. -kwt the perfect man, aad bah ld tha np right, for tha and of that man la pcaef REGISTER OF Billg for the following wars i The Great- licsiruction Wrought hu the Worcester If loud Factories, Dwellings' bridges, and J6verythinf (Swept lit fore it.

-j Worcester, March, 81. A 11 day the roods leading' to the buret dam or the Lyuda Reservoir. have becia thronged persons on foot, on hcfrse-back, and ini carriages. Aa early 0 A. Al bhndietla ww -wandering along the tortuous and terrible truck of the flood, standing, ao if spellbound, on the rifted bank of the reservoir and gathering relics In the dry bed of the torrent.

At later hour the roads were glitler-lag with carriages like city boulevard, and along 'the held paths trailed long line' of foot passengers, among whom were old men and women hobbling on crutches and children In wondering group. It seemed as if all the rent dents in Worcester and of the surround' ing country had taken i holiday, and drawn by one attraction, sought a common Many- thousands thus wandered along the edges of the broad, barren track of the inundation, while hundreds of poor working girls and men stood gszing steadily at uie ruins of the great mills upon whose existence their livelihood had depended, aud mauy oth- I hvviihwww aaewn evMemww wv lets were looking. for sites of their homes, which hail been swept away by the reslallem waters. A fuw trod in the footsteps of the mounter flood through its whole ten miles- of rough manner ing. I The Lynda lirook Heservoir situated about five miles from- Worcester, and it occupies a pear shaped hollow near the summit of a swelling range that distantly overlooks the town The gateways, were at the southern and broader base of the reservoir outline, and directly in line-with a steeps narrow, rocky gully funning straight down through the: heart of the little manufacturing hamiet of Cherry Valley.

TH WATER COUBSX- Through this gully, which after passing Cherry Valley, widens a little, turns abruptly to the left, and plungee down a series of rocky, descents, every vantage of which has heenwsized fur a mill zite, tha -water mains ffom the reservuir to Worcester city were laid -The little stream of waste water bubbling through the gully- Is known as Lynda brook, but below Unlooses Its same by marrying a more poweflflT'Btrfeam Kettle brook Kettle brook la one or the crook -edest little streams In the world. making numerpur elbows, zlgaags, and graceful half It worksTts way down tliB'hUIs in a southerly direction, crosses the i Boston. -Albany Bail-road, sweeps boldly out agahits a southern embankment of- bluff al most loop "or' four miles long, crosses the railroad again a quarter of A mile 'east of where it 1 first meets It, makee another sboft loop, embracing the village of Worcester, crosses the railroad once more, and then winds eastward Around the southern skirt of Worcester city, and, at leugtli, after three or four reluctant twists and turns, tumbles lute the Blackstone river. The great flood of last night followed the erratic wanderings of the brook, only It could hot keep Its great body in tbe narrow confines of tha. brooks- ordinary ourrent, and it swelled over the banks.

tore away projecting points, aud leaped downward.it! shorter and more jimpetu ous ways. The broad, green through which the brook wound spark-' ling, the flood ploughed up and sowed tilth gravel and boulders, and the heavy mills that were perched on the overhanging hanks, it riddled -like card bouses, As soon as ill beginning badiheeh made by the water, the fall of tbe dam followed swiftly, the escaping torrent leaped and i roared, dashing furiously against tbe lower gats house aud eating back rapidly Juto the embankment, which caved in In great masses. The lower gate house was split and tumbled into ruins in a few minutes. In half an hour there was an open channel through the whole depth of the dam. and then the mighty mass of water behind seem -ed to spring through tbe opening.

In if fit A twenty minutes the in the "rdBer voir, epefctatora eighteen I feet. The loftj upper gate house stood until the water had lowered several feet, and then auddenly having become undermined reeled, iwung half a-round, and cracked and felL This The torrent Vnade a brqu4 1 road over the half mile of ground between the damiand Cherry Valley, roaring, dashing, growling like heavy to under as it bore immense bouldereyind great trees along in its. current. It spread a thick layer of mud, gravel, and real stones oyer acres of fertile ground its course. The first obstacle iq the way of tbe flood waa the barn of George W.

OIney, onj the -old Hodges estate. This barn, with the' handsome residenoe lost undCr Us lee, stood above bend in the narrow, yalley where Lynde brook Ioins Kettle bf*ck- It was torn from la foundations In an instant and hurled in pieces the stream. 'Eddying around a prelecting point, tlie watyr ponred through toe lower floor of Mr. pinny's residence, crushing In tbe doors and sweeping fivery article of furniture away except, the. pictures hanging bn ths.Wftlls, besides tearing out some of the walls 1 and, foundation, carrying away the fences, and turning the beautiful garden Into a waste of muddy stones.

Mr, Qlneys less may reach or $10,000. 1 The family had fled' to the hills half dressed the night previous, and had not returned except to remove their silver. They thought the danger notluffleient to warrant the removal of their other household goods. I THE pLOODS HAVOC-. Two falghWgys were torn up for rods, and the flood i swept around toe sharp bend, lashing against tho, opposing bluffs at thet elbow-, and rebounding downward over J.A.

Smiths feet dam, which was swept away in a twlakUpg, Smith's -mill, a three-story brick building, partially spanning the stream, was struck by tho mass of water if it iiad bwn a sojid hot from a) cannon, and uie heavy brick walls melted out of sight in a uni eei tucimi wu vt ngut lu a cloud of spray aud foam. Asiuall part Anlv fliA flhpnntnM rnulnu1Tf.hrflnh only fit tbe stgucture, cracked through ant throughtottering on lialf demul-Isbqd foundatious, remains. The engine and gas house were swept away One aide of two or three rooms was torn away by the waterleaving the other side untodched; aud looking theitangled mass of carding machinery, broken beams and hanging rafters, oue see a clock ticking on the wall, pegti buftg with, sirticles. bf clothing and a large safe standing In one corner which, no one dared venture to rescue. The loaf at this (mill is at least $100,000.

Tsm small wooden hishwav bridtrea. anTtwotonJmU thatfadM 1 I A DMINIS XaiaUofHary mlnlatiatlnn on of Fawn townghl bava been gran let tha same towuahl RATOUS NOTICE. lemhav, DeoM. Letters or aiN male or Mary Hersbey, ltq York comity," Pa. dueeaswl, i the umlfcralgned, ruaidlug In All peruana Indebted to raid estate are requested tc inaka imuedlats rayment, aud thorn nadiiS olfiuia will preneui them duly autbautksated lor Ian mitUeinenK pill 7.

iSilMt JfWKPU BlilKBY, AdmluMlreiur. tlGNEB'S NOTICE: Nolhseleiieniliyl given that Jonas Ihw)er am! florae wifivof North, i.khh township. York county having niaile la volumaVy aaelgniuent of al ihelr ealale, gnodd and rfertii to tlie unlendgmk fori he iioneiit of the erufiitore of aald JosuTiim ler, notice la hereby given So. all persons having chuma egaluai anhi assignor to preuent- tho asms and those ludebleil to luaka Imuedlato payment ANDREW BTuLATFELTER, apri.T. I Asaigne.

DMIJrtSTjRATOR8 Eetate ot Ahraham- Heeacr, dee'd- Letters ot Administration on tha eetatq of Abraham Heaaarj late of Warrington towuslil deceased, have been granted to tha undersigned, realulfig lu the same township. AI1 pentons Indebted to said oatato am requeatad to make ImuiedUM payment, ami those Having olalumwIM rescue ilium duly authenticated for, wllle nielli. DAVID 1C MERHER, nar ii niMAfii AaiukUH(ni(or NOTICE. be uniWraigm-d Auditor, appointed by the Or-plians Court of York county, to settle tlie exoep-lions to tbvnocouut of Eilmund M. Hmxh nnd Ellis Uhandlee admliilatralora ol Uharh-s Hndth, de-uukauil, and to make distribution of the balauce on said aucouut bv aAd among tnaae legally entitled thereto, hereby giyea uotkse that he will attend to the duties of hla said appointment, at hls olHca In the borough or Yotk, on Hatunlay, April fid.

1S7 at lu o'clock, A. Mi. when and wuere ml preaonj Interested may atleiul If they think proper. I JAMES KRLL, Andltor. Dial'll I 1 4UDITOUG NOTICE.

underslguned, Auditor, appointed by 1 the Orphans Court of Yorfc couuty, to settle the exceptions to the account of Charlaw W. Hmtth, 'Seen I Or of Pnar Hmltb, dacHL, rxhIUtad by Edmund M. Hmitnnd Ellis Chandler, and alio tne exoep-mount of Edmund M. Hulta and ETlia Hon to the aocount of Edmund Hulta nnd dandle adinlnUtratua a uf d.b.n c. t.

of Pater Smith, aril to make dlatrlbntlon el the balance to, and among thou, legally in til led thereto, heiwbjrwlvna notice that he will attend to the duties hla said appointment, at hla ome la the borough Hstuniay, April a.r, 187 VUrWUHB lUIft, UU MtUIUSfa xpru VWI, 19ffip 10 oclock, A. he niand where aU perauna ln- teraeted may site: mar si, 1ST If they think proper I JARRH K1 KELL, Auditor, 1 DMINISTRATOR8 of Daniel iGrimth, decM. Letter of A ministration on the estate of Daniel Grimth, lata of Franklin township. York county, Ps, have been granted to tho underalg uml, residing la tha sains township. I All poisons Indenteil to said Malt are request, to makedmmwHate payment, and those having clalina will pniauni duly authenticated fur settlement, LSVJT CHKORIHTER, mar 111 ft Administrator.

A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. lata of Kllxabeth Miller, deeM Letters of Administration un the eat am af Eilaabeth Miller, late of Dlllsburg fRorongh, deceased have boon granUNl to the nut reshiloff' In Hie same liorough. A 11 perauna IndeliMd to aald Matt are requested ike Immediate payment, and those having clalina will preseu them duly authenticated fur HRRT A. MOOKK. aettlenient.

marhl.lOt AdmluUtraiur. 1 UUITORJ NOTICE. The undendgnec! auditor, appointed by tha Or- "uta Phans CuurVof York eouuty, 1o dlstributa thq balance on the account of Solomon Schroll, ad in In li tratorof the eatate of Oatharlna HohrpU. single woman, lata af Manchester township, York county, iyr IVnuayivanls, decieassd, stueng tha heirs legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that be will' meet for the duties ef hie aald appointment, at nls oitlceln the Borough of ork, ou Tuesday, April sth, A. is, at 10 o'clock A.

when ami where al arsons InicTestod may attend If they think proper. L. ZIEGLER, msntOtf Auditor. 1 DMIN ISTR AMORS NOTICE. luitate of Chrlntlaii Shoff, deeM.

Letters of Ad-mlulatnttlon on the Estate of Christian Ming, jato ot Uhanceford township, York county. dc-eeaaed, hare hem, grautoil to tho anSonlgiKd re- -flL csnsnii Hftie aiuais gisatwi aw aiding in aald township, (whoaa CL, to Unham- 1 Imlebtad to Mid eatate vllle,) to whom, qll persona I ani reqneated to' make payment, and thorn having 111 make known the same claim ur demand', without delay. -mar SC.T I JOHN VANHYN1NG. Aamiutotrator. Assignees Utica tire la hareliv glvea that William ilAfrey wHe.

ofJCauoeford toenstiijLjYoik twinil, Pa, have nude a -voluntary aaelgnnaent their property and effect to the muiaraigned, reaid ing in tha same township, for tho hanollt ot their creditor All person Indebted to sold sralenot are reqnestad to.meke I ul media la pay faaVliur olalmi will present them fo ng olaliai will present them for aettlejnai t. i JAMES CUOSR, -J merUiia Aatognqp. jgXECUTORS NOTICE. KaUitc of Solomon Bane, doeMi Letter teotfo MtMftUKuMVMHJifctitiPfnrBailwttitinniiC Ad persona iuiletited to aald estate are reqaeated innkia immedlato payment, and those having claim will present them duly anthentlcatoa for aettlemrat. JESSE FAKE, aarlO.TS Executor, EGISTERS NOTICE.

To-aU creditors, h-gatees, heirs and other penottt Interested, notice le hereby given that tne follow; ing named parsons have HIM thobcqonnta of tlielr xilmbitotrafion to the Mtatra of those persons decbL and guardisus and trustee accounts whom names ara undermentioned, In tho office of -thu Regtator of the Probata of Wills and Granting Letters of Administration, in and for the County of York, and that the mum will bo presented to the Orphan Court of raid- eouuty, for oouflrmatiim ami allowance on FRIDAY, the llafday April, A. 1876, at 9 oclock P. M. I No. 9fl Account of llaiy Ann Kohler, administratrix of Honfy K.

Kohler, dooooaod. Account of John K. lienry, adminlatrator d. b. n.

s. g--ot Mloiiael Heury, deceased. 85 Account of M. H. Spahr.

guardian of Edward O. Bernier, lata a minor, i td Ftouu aocoeut ut Mary Craloy, administratrix th IIlvi of tha Mteta of Eilaabeth IIlvoly.de IT Accccnt of Daniel Ltminiv ainilnlstratar di oeaaod, exhibited by -William Lreaa and Peter Recker( executors of Daulel Lee ti I M. Aocount of Thoma Qrey, guardian, pf Bp-nora Stomp, lata a minor. I aa Account of Abram S- Miller, guardian Of Oath W. Fetrow, lata a minor.

aa Final aecOunt ofOeorwe Bower, gnardlanpf Oeocak Matxger, lata a minor. I I aiTiccount of Jesse Bronnaman, executor pf Hiram Drorbaugh, deceased. 49 nal aecouiit of Solomon Han guardian of Clnyton Spangler, lata minor. aa Account of Henry Surbly. adminlatrator refer Suyder, deceased.

i aa At count at John Kudflji, guardian of Killian Bentaol, lata a minor. aa Aoconut of John Qochenoar, guardian af J. a Brenneman, latex minor. i aa Aocount of U. Hartman, adminlatrator of Ellis Waltameyer, deceased.

7 Aocount or Stephen J.i RlgUon, admlnjstrator John B. Higdon. detMNued. aa TM Idu account of Daniel Mathlaa, gnaia dlgn of JeaaUh Smith, lata a aa Account of Daniel Htrapbangh, guardian of I Amoa Htrrabaugh, Uto a mlmor. I eo Aoconntol charlre M.Upaitaler aml Andrew I Braun ler.

executor of Zachartuh Account of Daniel lleckert, guardian of Philip Andrew Lehr, lata minor. 1 I I Final guuuaut of Adam Ziegler, guardian iff Cornelias Heap, late a minor. 08 Account of Jaoob Yonngi gugrdlu of-Hugh A. Yeuui late a minor, exhluied by HeguyA. and Wllllaiu J.

Young, executors Of Account of Joseph Scanner, executor of Wll-lhim Cron duccgaed, ko Aocount of John Ilivcly, guardian ot- Elisa Dietz, btte a minor. tec MMmai WSrAeouui SfVnSurd Hammond, executor of I admlnlatrstoJ of John Hlpe, decerned. Rcnlcstate account of Jdeob D. Slpe, gdmln-tetrator of John Slpe, daecaaetL I ki Aooounvjf J. 11.

lluir. ou o( th iijnlnw trnton of Urary Ltebhart. deooarad, exhibited hy Samuel small, admlnistiator of gah). J. H.

llu- ASouotof J. D. Ramsey. raaWan of Hrari-etla Holden, late a minor, exhibited 4qr John ltenmey, adminlatrator of J. D.

Kamaey, deonaod. 9 Final aecount of John Hmhoy. guardlaa of CathariM A. Hcrahev. (now Uaket.j lata a minor.

89 First account of Joseph Hrocklcy, oua of tho rxeculorn of Anthony Brockley, deceared. 04 Account of Marin Kreiie and Frederick Froab- deceased. liter, axsc- I 11 I -TUISLIO NOTICE IS UKKKHY UlVBN. In iccns. Inncs Willi ins provisions ills Ibllo wins juimed persons lisvs mod In lbs nfbes ofths Ctsrk of ths Court of qusrlsr Hussions of I bs Pesos, In and for tbs eonntjr-of York, thslr appiieatton for Ll- censa to kuep an Inn or Tavern, subject to tbs rcs-irlrtlous Jmiiusud hjr Law, wblub said appllutlonS Isfi rnlinis of tha 1 ouunljr, on MONDAY, tlis HMh day a if Quarter Hnlini of lha and fur said cuiiniy, of April vA.

Id a Vhesttfufl 1'waiA Ouaru-t W. Muriiliy, i Juiik-h i-j noliliumrir JullUA. wlrb sba cciliat'aiies ailscbnl. wlb be tho (Vmrlur (Joarh't WwHv-V'u-valiji. I Samuel 1.

BnMrb.uk, llenrjr H. 'eiick. Abraham Jiohrbaoch. JJMi- ruru.kiMt. 'Mom-a UeutseL -fbfrM Twriub'p biiijauiin Hew.

Frank Hs i David K. Larcw. JlciOelitrt IwMtbi Jacob Uimur. UofsmUt ThmiAiji. Martin Saylor, i Evana (lasumlll, Jacob Hay lor, Noah Wlaemlller.

JadtMH -ren-itA-ji. Gporge Uummert. I Lnttr Chamttrfard Ellas Fray. KU-a W. Prey, Wbllam Mlcbeol Donohue, Anlhouy p.

hljuu-r, John W. Pomrsuulnff- Wiaftsr Tatnuklu. i Jooatitau MeGulgan. Joseph Hitler, Momakn TNMAij WlUlam K. Burn Monk CVJwsm TswssMp.

John 8. Kline, i Joseph la coney. ThnJiM AUrmhaui William K. lUmA RJliius Tuifljulro. Abrshamllt.

Street, j- llumpnres H. Lluvd, lluimas C'oouey, i John 1L Hiulth, John A Htewart, W. MvLanghlln, Ungh K. Dooley. Caiib.7MnMl4i Charjee Hpanxlar.

i Sfrnettfidil ToMuukt. JaecbHoke David K. Henry, MauUSId lluylarr. i Il'Mw Ternukl. 1 Catharlne.M, era, Hem Wslliok.

riiUMlM TmvmmIp. John Siraley. I'afl TniensKn Jeaae Worklngcr, i llanry II Gsotiie, w- Ueurge vV: Elaenhai Charien Suyder. Hiram DHL- JUltdwn JemiL Charles U. Keeaey, John u.

Myen. JHiUbarg Jwraup -James Floyd, Levi Dram, John Z.MH Jttrtr Sml. Henry Has Elder Hodgcr i SmJ. I Johu ll. Wanbaugh, lisdfivqiid ftmvlc Henry adder fnmkUotmta Bmvogk.

Jehu UlakoL I CfcJdKt Avnel. Jonathan FDust, George Urloilel. GrUtben' Bonunk. Joel Brinton. Plraf ITeni, Hamrr Uanmgk.

John Hr Walter. Mmi VML Emiiw JbrMUl, EF.KIttloger, Samuel WHanford Third Ward, Haamr Alftad'Ereb i Jabob Briieher, 1 Thonuta L. Wirt. I i Kmrtk IPre, JlSMer Borough, Jacob RAnw. Jfjftrtsm Javart, i Gaorge Flsael.

LmUktrru Bsnogk. Mallnda A. Well AqphneflkJfsrsqph. Jaiemlah Brawn, JfwdVy fhrmgS. 1 Jacob Hamer.

h'wtt Ward, MlrraeSnrw Daniel Lclubt. I Snath Waihl, ShnniaLury JMnmayh. Joseph KaUenaperger. Hatl Snail hnrnvyh. Frank Keesllux.

I. VrtyhUwiB Honuyb. Nlcho'as Ilot-naule, George Uree Joel B. Jones. Pitot M'orif, York Harmigh.

John 1eeltng. Uirg Nisuel, lirury Quh-kel, lluunah hletxcl Andrew Htaali, Joseph Keiser, Peter ftteotut It'erJ, Jtnniiyk-Elisha Brawn, Jouu Leuhart, James XwKllj. Hevd, Pert Kmaagh. Philip J. Kuuts.

U. II. Kl licit. tvarth 1anf, Par Soroush. Kern Da tty.

I JessoKagie James Peeling. fifth Wart, fork Borough. OllvsrDeardorff, Charles Ludonrood. Pfaf A Want, York Bonrgk. Mathlaa Bjlak, Amoa U.

Heearer. ftooralk Worth York Kmart. Daniel A. King, William Ktant Eilaabeth Still, Elina Eystvr, Thomas Horner. i- AVpAthWanf, Pori Metre.

nth Ward, York Borough, Lunel F. Oiw. BENIAMIN F. KOU.KR, Ulrrfe ICENSES FOR If AND EATING HOUSES, PUBLIC NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN III SO-eonlaooe with the provisions of Law, that tlie fot- In the uitlee of tho RESTAURANT I i lowing named perauna have Clerk of tlie Uoftrt of Quarter Sasaiou of tha Peaoe, ln snd for the Couuty of York, tlielr snpll-catlous for Ltwase to keep Besuuirant or EsL Ing Unnso, subject to the rastriotlons Imposed by Lsw, yrlilcn sahl spplltistloiis with the certlflcsteo attached, will be lapl before the Court of Quarter Heeslone of the lu snd for Urn Couuty of York, on MONDAY, the 10th dity of Aprils ft D. 181 Suriug GarieoVotraiiilit.

Abrahsnt I'elffer. Halt Pwitoct George Melsenhetter. Murefnt SinoHOktu, Thomas Bj SuclI. Writ KM, Bamoor Bi rough. John Mederhofrr.

irwJ, jialTuS 1 r- W. lllltaD I Hint Ward, York Btrokok. Roman KrUfcr, Kd-vsrd Krall. Peter fleiak, 1 Philip J. Xnuls, Lawrence Msrr, -Aogustus Sonaomsn, Hoooad Ward, York Borough.

Henry Greuter, Joseph W.Xaudl. Third Ward, Yotk Borough John L-JElnck. fourth Wgnl, York Borough Mlqhael Hoopmsn. 1 i. Stalk Ward.

York Borough. John Hlrt. John C. Potter. Kimntk Ward, York Borough." John.EUeescr, George Munohel.

BENJAMIN F. KOLLER, mirlTIS Clerk. IQUOB STORE LICENSE PUBLIC NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN.Ib accordance with th provision of Law. that th di 'ledlnthanttea of tl be tllffc qtaha Court oTOnarter 8eelmi uf the Peace. In and tuyi hc county of York, liolrappllcallona for Ltoenac to bell Liquor In Quantities or not lens than one quart, uubtort to LbXiiTrM1 fora tlia Court of Quarter SchIous of tha Praed.

In and for tha county of York, on MONDAY, the.l0th diy of April, A. 187. Wad Jfifohriw Tossasfp. William Wan( Uournr Xonugk. Andrew Dellona.

Sscamd Ward, Jfanor Berougo. C. Delloue to Bro. TAM Ward, Itaonor Bprouifc, Wm. Gnnnhin to Co 1 Third Ward, Borough.

Jacob Spangler, agent, Jacob Rafftfupetger, U. Frad uii J. N. Eniey. Fourth Worth York Htwuugk.

Jacub A. Entry. Marshall to Bra. facoo. BEJAMIMF KOLLER.

mar 17,19 Clark. THE LOfeT CAUSE MAGNIFICENT Picture 14xl Inches In Bin. ier, brantlful In design represents a Confed- I 1MIB iiiviiWB aaa wiow printed on heavy plate proper, beauttful ln deaigu andartUHolriexecuHon. It enM Soldier after the war returning to hla hwne. desolate.

In front of which he flnda lonely and deaoiat the ruined cottage, telling a sad tale of tho mleer-ertei of war, are two graves with rude erasaae, on one of whir.msome friendly handi baa hung a ad. To the right tag calm riVerand tbo rising moon Indicate peace. aud rest. The atan seen hrough tbe tree the Booth rrn Croa It 1 a picture that will tench every Southern heart naabouHnSul a place In every honthm-a home. Sent by mall mourned on roller am receipt of 8 cent or for eo cent Address JOHN Pl'WtOW to CO, Fuh- Bbwti l.

Tram. tsAgent wanted everywhere to eell onr cheap nd kioinilar picture 88 to fid per day easily made. No money wpi inxl untfl ptetnrea are sold. Semi atamp for caulofliie an term SPRINGJIILL POULTRY YARDS vnna EGGS FOR LIGHT BRAHMAS, DARK HUAHMAL, PAKTBIDG Hmjl BUFF COCHIN H. GKAY DORKINUIV.

WHITE I.KGHOHNB. O-llTT-t- ViCIE Ul.ir.lC RING. 0 per IS uo fM a wr. 9 UO 9M WHITE FACE BLACK SPANISH, 9 80 Tlie nbovftnsmod stock has Iwen ealeotad from the lieu premium slock in the country, without regard to cost. The White rated Black Sranlah era Imported stock ot large slxo.

An Egge I soil gre warranted to be flesh ami genuine. all orders to. WIIiIAlt yRKY, Spring Uardev, York msrfl.iB Attention i rlack HILLS MEN: Hingis and repeating of tho best makra JLvlilcSy gu price from flftou to fo.ro i ov. .1 double and aingla musato and oil Lib Ul)Ilt breech leading, all pricto, from St OU lo 8900.00 ft ft or 7 shooter, Tor ball and cap Revolvers, or metal oartrldgra, 8SA0 to 89 or write for illustrated Fried CaU and exmrtane. or write for lllutreted Pruar IJflt, gthlrees.

ftAT WlSTKia Gl'21 WORKS, 956 Liberty BireeiywiiMburgh, mr ll.TmWc JjUliE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT Insurance Agehcy Fiye, Mariner and Inland Insurance a Speciality. GEO. C. ASTER, RermuUian, Adams or Hall, Pa. feblftTS I AG EN 1 rtee -ia world lo ww monp7- Addriwa U.

B. TT roCKET CO. Newark, N. mar (lSwrg niar Sl.ya-twDe tcuomancy farina iU T0N, Hon' Channlng, Mramertam. aLd Mar-wtanGelde showing how Htharaoa may farlnme and gain the I ova aud affection of a-v iwraon ih-v alinM.fhiitantly, 00 past Sy mall Met HUNT AUta.lHoUti.7lh,6t,PhUa3wta.

mar Sl.TSwDc- mw IftfaxliktaeaenMsulA MsstsasaSSSSSSS CG BIATCXLE Maaxrr, 500 8LTnii mar flVTfl-ltwDe I dy. Bsst HLsrmru Three Peh-4wDg irirarNYoi SPO JttER, Maher Phlladriplila. la. umrir.Ts to WANTED Pp. 1 nVelop, gsUem Yma, Pee Hold-.

Peoeuj -imient a piece of Jewelry, tUe- rnuuboMm.ik w.i- a. hi T. pachegu with pair of elegant Gold Slone' Bullous, puM Bold. coot i wllh.aaeort Jewelry luiioua, puM pom, cent for hi -ML Thiy psekagg jiag bum tuntlned by Hie pubitohar of tbe Prea aad foiod ag repraaaatad worth, lb money. Watebee gives away to Ageula.

Circular Ira BKIUK OU, Broadway, New York tat mar IT Tg-arfU AGENTS WANTED! Medals Diplomas Awarded for HOLUAMSM i'ictfwial Bibles, I 1800 niaairalliiUa. Addnse fbr neWClraelar A. J. HOLMAN ACU.gJO Arch Btraat, Phllattolphl msr IT.TS-dwDa- SOENTENNIAL, UNIVELRAL HISTORY, I tha-close of Ihljlmt too yeara of our NalhmaL-f, Inerad ladaprndencr, Int-Tadlng au aenoont of the eorulag Graaa Ueutmr lal EsMbillau, TO pagta, flae quick mI Extra term Bend for Circular. P.

BlXiLEB to 00, 811 Arab! Ut. Phils, la. nur -ri- ANTED ra.STlSitaihrat AGENTS. ST1 No full a half eanlury. Aganta drill receive a cordial welcome la latreduelna thidsplnidid worfct JwijIml want local aeetita In every tewaahlp.

Wrltrat eaed far fad panlrulaie and choice at lerriony. Add rasa, QUAKER 11TY PUELUIHING CO, ro goriU Jib flirt at, PbHadelphl mar lTMwDs nelavoitope history of our state hag bran laad lor uw Over 7k fln -Ul use ratio r-l, i FOR COUGHS, COLDS. HOARSENESS and all Throat Diseases, WEILS CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A tried and aura remedy.

Bold by Draggtota generally, and JoBMyox, Hollowsi A rblladelpbU, dnhto, lto. IT.Tfl-dwDa fT'L Grand flqaara. vVAlCittO IrlAPIU0fMg UPRIGHT ARE THE BEST MADE: the four. Track, Work maaahip. gmi Durability Unsuipaarod.

1 1 WATERS ORGANS CoDcorto, New ORCHESTRAL, VESPER, CHAPEL, VIALKHTE, and CYklBELU. cannot excelled fo tone cr Th, CONCERTO STOP is flna IMITATION ths HUMAN Warranted ghr six -YBAK8. PRICES EXTREMELY LOW hr cash duriug this Mouth. Monthly lnatallmrata i A Liberal DiSMOpt to Trorksrs Mimtstsn. Chunks, AGENTS WANTED.

Sehoolo, Tadgto, Special. Iwdaccmcnto to thOjIrada. IHnatralcd wpeoi' inuuiiit iWiirN inoarratM Catalogue Scat. IIOMACB WAYSOS to SONS, tat Broadway, New Chirk. Box, IM.

mar jciricE.c T7 i Not Mto hereby given that agpllrailou wlU im. made onen Cunrt, aa Monday. April loth. Aj D. IMS, ra charter Tacorporatlag voluataiy aa-octaiou, ta be called Tha York Ooouty goetoty for ih Protactlaa of Game aud tho object which to to be the protection and praaervgHoa of Thu applKwt Gama and Ftoh.

Tbla applicstioa will- under the provisions of ike Act of Amamhly, approved April 18 entitled en AM to provide for the inaorporatloa nhd trgulstloa of certain earporv Utloua A. GREEN, marir.TS 8olicttar. Notice horoby glveutbat au apnllcatloa PICE. rl'l mod on or after tha Ant flay of May- next, i aeeordaneo with the act of tho Qaaanf AmmUj Feanaylvaal approved the 90th day of ApriLAa Diaia, entitled An Act to provMo Mr tho Inoar-parAtlcu snd regulation of eartala oorpontkm" Hls Excelmnay, John F. Hartrsnft, Governor of Pehaft, for a charter of Incorporation for a Build- big and Loan Aagoototioo, to bo known by tho nam atyto aad utle of Tha People's BnlkHag and object I rhaPooplek (Blhtwl Inga 1.

VTE WALL PAPERS "WM. GILBERTHOKP, No. Wast Market St -kas anwn star a large aeeortmaat of an entire, naw Use of Paper Hangings, mndo aad (steeled for hla retail embracing from tho taussst to tho must ooHhs style A good grade of. Chamber Paper st 18 cants, and 96 east par roll. My le oeat French grenade are of eoperler ntylo nnd nnd are an entire now grade In thla xmrkc7My Gold Papon, for Parlors aad Dining- room am from cento upward and are vary ehMp and daraM We have One aasonmest of Emhofood and Gold Parlor and Dinlng-nmaa pst-lerna, la dark and light colors, embnolug patterns of Intermingled Anna so ranch nsad in nU tho Northern cl tie These papers are pat up wtth-Dado of which torn assorts en tv gjjj- aBfosa flotsk.

Oak, Walaat. ok taratlraly to bo sppra- olated. My Window Bhada department to stocked with tko choicest Window Shads material, embracing tha new eolers of Hollands, sock re Taa Chocolate. Dram Been eolora. expressly imparted far onr spring ralra.

pira goods are anparaadlng fEW STYLES OF tho hade Wo are alao aganta forth Oewego Shads Cloth, which haa tho qaellty of neklag or ennlag uko other shade clata la th market. Wnhavoaoorpa of workmon.u attoad to putting ap WaU Paper and Window Baades in any part ef eeoatrr, .1 aorilftlfl 4 rr A MERICAN AND A FOREIGN PATENTS. giLmc LMORE dc CD. Bnirasotra to CHIPMAN, BOOffiJiB VVjt OVHOlWlll to SOI Dig all manlria No Feet la Advene No charge unless the patent la graotad. No fee for making preliminary axamlnaihin No gddlilaaal few for obtaining and conducting a rehearing- By a recant decision of tbo Cemmlaetorar ALL rejected may he revived.

Special ultra tiea gives tu Interference Cases before the Patent Office, Extent teas before Cougreee, Infringe mat Suita la dlAhr- rut Slate and all llligatlou appertaining lo laren-tlunn or Patents Brad atamp to Gilmore to for pamphlet of nlxtg Land i 8L General tartar. Frinle La pd OIcIm, kifolng amd JPre-Xmp-thiu Claim aud Homeateud Caaea attended to. Laud Serip In 40, 9ft and -log acre please for ml TLU Scrip IsaariguMlo, aad eon be mealed name of ik purchaser upon any Government laud tabled to private entry, at rift nar a er It la of eqnai vcloa with- Bounty Land Wamut, Brad Kemp to Gilmore to Oo re, pamphlac at lutrno- Arrears ot Taj sind Bounty Offlen SaUters, and! Bsllora of the kite wer, or their heir sre In many oerrs entitled to mooey -from the Government of which ihgy hare an knowtodg Write full history of urvtae, and ntata amount of pay and booniy reset vrd. Bowes BiempteGh more toil, a foU reply, altrr sxamlnatton, will bo gtrah von frsr. rENsiuNss.15:1 1 5 1 All Ottcei Soldier and Sailors wounded' ruptured.

or Injured In tho lata war, however slightly, era eUota a pmulnn uy srtilrerolag GILMUEE A OO. Cases prosecuted hy GILMORE A CO. bsf ora ha Bnpremo Court of tho United Stare tha Opart of Cl elm and tha Southern Claims Commission. Jtaca depart aunt of onr haelaase to aondnafad In a repanta Dureau, under charge of tne suae ezper-Isueed parties employed by the oM Arm, Prompt gttaaticn to sU bnstnese enlruatad loGlLMGRX to CO. to thus secured.

We desire to wiu succSre by deserving B. Aitarera GILMGBE A CO- H9 P. Btreeft Week Ington, D. C. -I p.

I A -r vYork for the Unemployed THE THISTLE EDITTON 1 the only fol'y HlustratadEdltion of Slr WaVcr 1 avrly Novels hfifitlofflllh loitltHL The liooks aro Standard, and will too an Im Tha mechanliial xaratio to of tan brat. Tha price 1 of th lowret. Agrata Wantod Everywhere, to whom liberal toms gad sxolnalvf tartV-Uiy are offered. i-roit ty-lght volnuu averaging 400 pegea each, end contalBlng nearly saga llluatmttea wlllr piste th arete Bohnorlben rapplted wtth twn volnmra (a complete work) monthly. fo" Manta Drilrertre 91 vfhrera) ora bow ready.

-Price in Clou, gilt xtr per vahun SLfftHalf UMvmsl SwraftNilwYork; THU paper pur with morfli IlERIFFS WALES'. 11,8 tih day of April, 8T at ono oclock, 1. the Court Houeu, in tha of WU offer at public sale, tha JullowLiff rest osiat vlnt As the Real Estate of CHARLES R. OLAQK1N. By.

virtue of certain Wnw of alias MMfown mnuao uio a writ of S. fa. to me directed aa too Meal Estate of Charles U. Ulackln, via Aft that certain Traut of Litutl, alluite lu poach bottom tuuruahip, York- county. eon-talulng nluuiy-Mven tjtt) acre, more ar Iona, ad-doiumg lamia of Jollaun.Glaukla, Mh-haelHurtU, -Jernee AiMhinou: Henry McAie.UuuiJse uuigh-y, A.

H. Muoulgan, aaut ether ou which ara villi-r1 raomfoty Hi otto lloum. Warn, a ouorotSiy Mnuu Hack Holhllug, Frame lUuk- lia Wagon Shed attached, Cnrn Crib, arriage House, WihhI other out-hulldlaga. TUun 1 au Ith a Well Apple Orchard and other Fruit Tnm, ul lr near Lho boaae, and ueverai Springs, of A portion pT fhto ninulug water ou ihla tract, tract Wooilland 1 Ah the Beal Estate of JUUANN GLACKIN. diy vlrtneof certain Wrlu of sttai ditioui osgmaa to ina dliwctad ao tho Eoal Batata of ujlaun uiackln, vta All hat Tract of Laud, lt- uato tu Peaoh Bottom township; York eoonty, eoutalulng auuy-idna (Ct) aerra, mora'or leu.

ad-Jtduiug lauda of George Qnlxley, James Ma.ry, chanea M. A. Ularkln, A. A Mcuolgan, and oth am. Thla tract to.oimuvd.

In a good aioto of cnltt-vettan, and partly oovorod wito heavy growing timber. As the Real Estate of JACOB P. HOUSER, by virtue of a Writ of alias vnUVWmri taguuas atoo a writ uf ji. fo. Ut mo directed, aa the Mtal Estate of Jaoob P.

Houaer, via: AU ina! twnalu Tract of Land, alto ate lu Mauheltn towd-ahlji, York eouuty, Pm, ouutaiusng cue haudred uu thlrty-SIx (I St) acres, mors or I ea adjourns laud ot Uoorgo toUbolm, Edward Uia. Ainu Ghrtatutu Muhlh, Hatuuet Rinehart, Fradorlek Miller, John llell hud Dental lu, ou which era creeled a two story Log House, Log Dank Barn, Hog 1en aud Wash Houo. Thera to aa Apple Gr-cnard aud never laiUug Spring of Water, and ether Improvement on this Ah the Beal Eatate of MARY ANN BAUNKH, By virtue ot a Writ of ooadttioat tespo-. no to me directed, gg ths kML Kutate iff Mar 1 awl, Aua itaruoa, to wit: AlltlnacertaluLot dfGroi 1Uow titmt, I tha Botoogh pf a two story Lag Wuetberimarded Huuae, Boarded Htalli, ileg- Pen, Hake Oven. Wc IhlllMM Mild MiJta UCMlMr.

Ab to Real Estate of EVAN GEM- MILfo By virtue of a Writ of eamOMtai trroaas to me directed, as th Heal Batata of Evan UemmlU, to wir: AU that certain Lot of Ground, altuata at 'IriM RCatto, lu Hopewell townahlp.Yark cuanty, P. adjulnlug property of Thomas' Faa I kner, Joka Uerenluger, william H. Logan nnd Pnblle folg HuuMfi I on which are erected a two-story Board HUMe and Hog Pen. Aa the Beal Estate of J. C.

E.MOOBE. By virtue of writ of ahao Isoart fmrisu to mo directed, aa the Bbal Ettala ot (J. K. Hoard, all that car lain Lot of Ground, goutta ox the North-Mat corner of Water gad King streets, In tha Bor oogh iff York, oouoty of York, halag lot No. 19 on lha plan of sfeid borough, boundad and limited gg follow! Bounded on tlio West by Water street, ou tha floulh by King street, on tha East hy private alloy ten feet wkla, aad on the North hy propei ty ot Jdlckael easier, containing la trout said Wan to atur meet twenty-eight Teat nlua Inehea, and rxtebdleg In depth Matwanl the a ant width parallel with aald King afreet ono haudred and taa foot toi old private alley, on which -are eraeted i two story APeatherhoarded House, a two Mg Brick Back Building and flhed, Dal and fiiiHid, i i i 4 Afl the Real Eatate of JESSE HOUCK.

By virtue of certain write of Jlori facias (exemption, luqnllUoi, ooiitleanatlOB and stay execution being waived,) to me directed, as the Real Batata of Jcma Houck, to wifi All Umteortalu Tract of Land, altuata In WaKManhalm township, York county, col tain Ing fortywlghf (ad) acre more or lew, ailjolnlng Lauda of Jaaoo K. Wants, Jaoob Leeah, Joatah llmick and others, on which are erected a two story Log Honan, ono story Lug-Back Bulhflng attached, a ona mory Log Uoase, a oaeatuty Framo Waab-Houer, Stone Spring House, Wcathoraahrdail Bank BanLLog HogPen, Frame Carriage IfoUM. Oorn Crib, Bake Oven and utter There 1 ou it landing There la a Well of Water and Spring I ot Water anil lino Orrhanl of Fruit TreMoutkto I thla tract tract About 9 teen (U) acres Woodland A the Real Eatate of WILLIAM BEACIIAUT AND CATHARINE REACH AH P. Hy virtue of certain Write of enidUtonf taponas to dltecteil, as tho Heal Batata of William Heq-ohart and Catharine Hcachart, to wit: All that eer aln Lot of Ground, altuata In the Village of New Paradise, flpriugllohl township, York county, ra, adjoining property of Jacob HMOhart ou lho North, Pmlerick Eutcuhatoer ou ths South, Lewis Bupp oa the Weal, and fronting ou lha York and-Baltimore iTunpIlM oa tho Halt, on which ara eraeted a two a lory Framo House, ouemtory Fnudo Back BuihUug. Thero to a wall of water near tho hpuae, also uumbor of Fruit and takes into execution aa tha estates afOKMld, and wui be cold by MICHAEL STA11BAUGII.

Sheriff. FR0CIAHATI05. "ITTHEREAS. the; Hon, Robert J. If Flahrr, and Para L.

wiokcc. Addltlanal Law Judge of tbe aeveral Courts of Common Pleas in and for tho 19th Judicial District ooni posed of tho County of York, and the. Hon. Valentina Trout, Associate Judge of tha County York, hava Issued precepts to me directed for hohllng a Couit of Oyer aud Terminer mud General Jail Delivery at York, on the 9rd Momdat April, 187ft being tha iota day, juul to ooutlnne two woekig Bforto, is Uursfars ksrthp uiuSHt to the Coroner, Jostiues of tho Peace and Coo-stahlea ot tho earn County, that they be and appear thorn In their own proper persona, at ten oblwklo the forenoon of that day. with their records, In.

qntoltlona, examination and remembrancea, to do thoaa thlngi hlngi which to their offices appertain to bo And thoM. who are hound by rocognlaanee to nroaecnte agalnri the pnaanera that urn or ahull born tha Jail of tha said Ooamy of York, sr to bo then and thereto proeuento against them as ghaU IqiC Dated at Yoritthafloth day of in the: year of oar Lord onethonsandelgfit him rtrrdanflacvcTify. mafJ.Tf btcAXL hTAjIlB a. li enerlff 5T5 1ST OF GRAND JURORS, Drawn for Court of -Oyer and Tamlnor ml Jail Delivery of Qnsrtar 8maloa of tag Peace of York county, to bo held at York, In and for Ms aald County on fo Mon day Of April, A. D.

187ft (being the loth day ot aald month,) to continue two week Michael Ziegler, oarpentar, Jaokaon township. Jaaae Down fanner HopewalL t.i UeOTgeGrlmth, Jenee Brenneman, J. Newberry. WlUlam Wllt. farirfer, Fslrvlgw.

Peter Becker. Windsor. Frederirk Bakemlller, farmer, Yolk township, -Adam Retolnger, X- Windsor, -WUUam Dub, 1 Nauheim. Jomph Wsgncr. laborer, Dorcr township.

Go Uehller, machlnlaft ath Ward, York Bor. Adam F. Gtoaey, merahanft DaUaMOwn. William, Nelson, lslrornr, DlUahorg. Bamaal CUngrtoh, fanuor.

Spring Ganlw Benjamin 8. Ualnilel, former. Windsor. Alexander Foshronner, Samuel Bunp, ShrewWmry term Oonewaao, John Smith, laborer, Mnch eater township. P.

B. Sprenkle, mlUar, North Codorn Ifl-to marftlt I 1ST OF FETIT JURORS. nSriirn for the Court of Oyer nnd Termlne nnd General Jail Delivery and Court of Quarteit Be lone of the Peace of Yort County, to bo held at Yolk In nnd tot said county, on the tnd Monday of April, A. 187ft Mug tho lotn day of aald month, to oonllnoe two week i Benjamin Lamott, farmer, Shrewsbury twp. SSStaiMlfeoy, J.

PH Wtadw. Amoa Bach me fanner, Naw Freedom. William BeltoaL alerk, David Smith, carpenter, Falrylnw. Michael Fltekluger, laborer. Jefferson.

D. W. Greenield, farmer, Falrvlew Charles Diehl, fartnel, R. Ward, BhrewSbary Bon Henry Seohriat, York township. ilaateier.

oth Ward, Yotk B. Peach-Bottom. Moeea Bennington, plaatorei WUItom Flamming, tuner, I B. F. Board, J.

Pm L. WimlM 1 PotegBlona former, Cbanceford. Emanuel Market, fanner, Shrewainiiy tw Emanuel Spangler, painter, ataWartl. York B. George Kreue.

carpenter, Bth Ward, York Bor. A boar Forney, geuitemao. Hanover. Edward XMeftantoant, Franklin. Joseph G.

Liggett, miller. Fawn. -'Andrew Gotwalt, carpenter, 7lh Ward York, Bor. Daniel Attar, shoemaker, W. Manhelm.

George Keller, gentleman, 1 -MB. Bryan, M- Dm Peack Bottom. Samuel Al'lsnd, former, Carroll. Charlea W. Mverft-merohanft flth Want York B.

Zeuua BarneU, eaamnter, L. ChaneefonL i ine, iarm Georgs Leckrone, isnner. in Henry Inner, miller. York -n. II.

Bprankle, L. WUMtaor. Henry itoukanip, Umeborner, Ota Want York B. William Xptey, merchant, StkWald, York CmnatlanRaol. carpenter, Tth Frank Naylor, nwruhant Ini Henry Jnokey, tailor.

Jefferaon. Daniel Ilneftgritn, laborer, 4tk Ward York Bor. William B. Sweltxer. inlter, Shrewsbury twp.

JaeobShell, termer, Hubert MTtonkey, miller, Peach Bottom; J. V. Kettennao, mershaut. North Codon Andrew Went laborer, Newberry. Samuel Kama, Want Koncheetor.

i K. Prowell J. Pm Goldabor AnlR Wle former, ('haneeford. 8. B.

Trone. merchaut, gth Ward, York Bor. Henry-Lehman, Ward, York Bor. Amoa Gant farmer, Codorn John Bhalleubergrr, laborer. Spring Gardon.

mart.ie-te Gcorporatluii of tho HIw SALE! EM GURNET BAN Dtaa otiject of which to to onltlvata and ea- courage foe prsetloa of inetrumoutelrauslei JacopKrout, CornaHra Bar -Israel P. Koaney, Eniraoel Young, John J. Arnold, -NafoaaVolkommer, may lT.Tg-tt Go Brengaidgu, T. H. A.

Bar Alex, Boyer, Abraham Hangman, Albert Qlatfqltor. TrOTIOE. Not! BUdfl IB OMH court, UH avAvaii nnii IUM 1ST under th ct of Aembly of th Com- Nottoa I hereby given, that application will be I MONDAY, APRIL 10th, 1 nratUm- approved April al, 1ST for if qiuuS appiviwu ahu ig lain iiir for a corporation ta bo called tag DAL- CORNkr BAND," ths eh rector and a charter I LABTOWN I object of which to to becnltlvnta and enoooraga the praoiloe ot loatrnmental Na. t. pattersor, 1 mar IftTS-Jipd SoUcltcf.

JNVENjTORSs "If von want Patent eeml a model or skatea I and a full deeoripilon of yonr inventlo We will utae on examination at tho Patent otooe, and if wc taluk It patentee! will sand yon paper nnd gdvlo nnd proraonte yonr era Our fra wljl bn ln nVilnary case 898. ADVICE FREE. isrsend Stamp for onr Gnida for Obtainlag Parent" book ot 8 page A -Mrere; LOUIS BAGGER to OO- Sollottare cf I Watalngton, D. Jan ll.TO-flm Wg id to 1 1 of be of to i I I I I Ou tlie'SGth Hover towhslilp, Eliza Waldenmoyer, aged 01 years, 8 months and 6 days. I On the 28th ulk, in this borough, Louisa Elenora, daughter of Louis aud Alargaretta Ilepp, aged 1 year and 5 months.

1 On tlie 20th in tlila borough, Millard Ei, soil of Air. Daniel Hinkle, aged 20 years, 11 months and 19 days. On the 2Uth lu Belief on te. Centre eldest daughter Jof Mr. and Airs.

Edwin Tyson, aged 12 7 months and 17 days. On Alonday -afternoon, Carrie II wife of Harry Ilauer, and daughter of tne late Albertus Welsh, aged 23 years, 9 months and 0 days. On Friday, last, Dover township. George B. Emit; aged 00 11 moiitbs and 18 days.

Mr. Emig was Among the substantial men of that-staid old township, and was universally respected for his One traits of character, lie waa engaged in the milling and farming business for many years, and was, therefore, largely identified with the agricultural interests of the people in that section, and his deatft be severely felt in the community. AND SEE THE D. F. S.

M. Ilai no oqqal. npm At-No, 118 KAST NAttKKT 8T-, YORK, PA. pAVEHN LICENSE. "TITBL UBLIC NOTICE IS UEtlEBY GIVEN In as-eonlanoo with tbs pravlslona of Law, that tbs following namoU parsons bars fllad in tha amos of tho Clark of tbs Coqrt of Quarter Sessions of ths Peace, in nod for tbs County of York, thslr ipp lies tl-rns for a Ltoansa to ksup Inn or Tavern, nbJer.t to tho raatrictlona Imposed by Law.

which aid application with tho certificates attached, wlll ba laid before the Court of Quarter Beeeloe the Court of Quarter Beaalons ot the Poors. In and for tbs Conniy or York, on MONDAY, the lllh day of Apnl. A. n. 1ST LttHiiiity CertuyM.

Abraham Woolf. JCatt AfirfimJk. George 3CftMahelteri -D. F. KOLLER, mar SI.TS Olerh.

For Cheap CJothing OF gVEBY DESCRIPTION, call at the racimni; CENTRE SQUARE, -1 YORK, HERZ, (Wtnklr keeps on haad a larxa amorimeot of and Boys' Clothing, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HatfS, rTrunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Traveling Bags, ft aalo very cheip. apri.TSin STATE J. G. LEBER; No. 115 East Mar ketSt.i YORK, PENXC7 CH oppoalte Watt A WaU Paper Store, will oootlnos to sell bu Bay -State Organ, CD Thla orpin haa zalnod for Itself as an-vlalila rspuutlon, and any tliacrlptlon that might give wuaM fall to do Justice It mua( Im aeon and heard to be appreciated.

Will mention a few of' Me many advantages thla Organ Au ever 'U utktf Orgwns. The Grand Organ Attachment, Clavonet Solo Slop, found, only ono the BAY STATE OSMAN. New nnd decent nealgnof caaee aultvd for the narbw. Alio 11 rat class i lo -a xs p. 3 cr 8 iPIA-ISTOS, a Raltable A grata wanted to cell tbe.

Bay Hta'o Oman In Lancaster and Adams Counties. april T.TS-U ST ll 1-clD' Mir f4 QlliKlf'S -f" ii i-. Piiir i i A e. 9 0 P- 0 0 IIFTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT the1 Soutliexn Mutual -FIRE INSURANCE COMFY Ot FORK COUUTY. JANUARY 1, 1S7 Total amount of property at rUk after sumndered and dead poli- ASSETS- Amount of premium nr.tr a held by the company subject to aaseaeiuont' Amount In Treasury and AjeuU fiurxl f983.ua 9 S1JSS44 asm Tutsi sswtH liable forlosse; EXPENSES FOR Til 81,981 19 IB YEAR.

Llsbllttlo feso so 613 SO Total amount or ioshea daring tbe year, of- the eoui- Total amouut of expenses during the yen Including lay-x, postsg stationery, prinHag, otll cera1 tresaurcra and directors ex- 14B TS No. of i loot for wept of attention No. written No. of uullcles cancelled during the year 1 Sollclea loot for wapf qrlngdhe year Ul. Tblaoorapsny.by the extension of Its charter, has privilegoM operate throughout the entire of York county.

The company is In a flourishing condition. The company authorises Us agents to-ensure each applicant the small stun of Two Dollars () which cover the oxpen.ee of the Policy, ami a rash premium of three per coot, ontpe Premium Not which I intended to meet the enmnt penses and small losses. The risks of this company juowr none but ths safest of property, aud no persons are insured except those who are amply side to pay their proportion 0 loose I The oompeny offer special InducsmeuM to per. one wilhlp York county, being oiwrated cheaper than any other usmpany In the county. Dirretmn of tko Company: nil Isaac Ilowia, II.

Baa-uiuHiaSi. Ubmbv Braavau, Jacob iu.ru, S. Jacoe BraaLr, H. D. Itunniaraa, Levi Stbavsb, Aauou Raaa, Amuhbw UawmiMOEB, Axmixw Cvanaa, UiMU WaUMIK.

rv-Thli company co attunes to effect Inauraaoe upon property for the term of aoven yeara. Fer-ou wDhlog to tnauru win plaaao apply to tho Secretary, or apyof the followliig nemetl Agenta of the company: H. P. BaRknnniSU, Dallaatown, s. Skvueu, Mow Panullao.

Wx, 11. Taylom, York Townahlu, m. Hi Jouu HraaYSu, Hopewell. William lukban, Chenoefonl. reflet it.

ISAAC howis, ri H. 8. BaHMlNOBK, Secretary. i pURLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, APRIL H.

ISIS, tho undemlgn-ed Admlnlatrstor of Homy Gordon, deorsiiciL IU 11 at public aalo, ou tlie the following real eatate vim A TRACT QF LAND, I altuste In U. Chsncef.ird, York oonnty, ennUlaln 7 acrua, mors Or leaf, hound by land of Ells bet Stokes, and others, with a I DWELLING. LOG BARN, GOOD AFPLE ORCHARD lieroou, all fonceil and nnder good Ha la to commence at oclock, P. on aalil day. Term at sale, MICHAEL HTAIRNft march 9ft T9 Administrator, ENRY COON, PAPEIMIANGER, JVtiS-'i Chestnut Blrcet.

Yerk, will attend to nil order for hanging paper, lu the brat etyto bf (he art, at tag ahnriret notice, end at prioesLto gull the time rWBatl if action guar-antral. jauM.Te yy l.v -rt ftr" ii'i' S-' r-- f- v-Vv i i printed at this office, vixr April 8, Robert Mbore. administrator ot the estate of I lizabeth Miller, will, sell the personal property of decedent, at tbe sfyop of, John I fummer, InDillsburgv Saturday, Aprll.8.' at the tte reel-1 deuce of Daniel Griffith, about li miles west of Dicks store, in FraBkljn town- Batur'dey, April 8. gt the; ate reel-deuce ef Henry' Gordon, ii i Lower Cbanceford township. -BqalEftate.

But permittkig a known leak to exist for many monllis in regarded as culpable many negligeuce on the: purt of the Water Commissioner, The Bill. The following Is the fall text of the silver coin liill as passed by the House That there shall be and hereby is appropriated of auy money In the treasury not otherwise appropriated, tho sum of $109,000 to provide for engraving, printing and other expenses of making and Issuing United States notes. Sec- 2 That (lie secretary of the treasury is hereby directed to issue silver coins of the United States of the denominations of 10. 20,25 and 50 cents, of ataudard value, lu redemption of an equal amount of' fractional currency, whether the aame be now in the treasury awaiting redemption or It may he presented fer redemption; and the secretary of the treasury may, under regulations of -the treasury department, provide for such redemption and issue by substltution.at regular sub treasuries and public depositories of the United States until tha whole, amount of currency outstanding ahull be returned. Site.

8. That itlio sliver coins of tha United States of the denomination of one dollar shall bo a legal tender at their nominal -I value for any amount not exceeding fifty dollars in anyone payment, ana silver coins of the united States of the denomination of leu than one dollar, shall hti. legal feeder of their nominal value for any amount not exceeding $25 ip any one payment, 1 special ERRORS OP YOUTH. of suffering humanity, send free 11 who need raclpe nd tUraoHn for making tha rainedy by whlnh he jeamL Haffqren wlk-Ag to prodt by the stlveitlMrli experleoee eeailo oby addreulni iq porfeet eonfldeitee, I JOHN B. OMDBN, dee 10.75 Cedar it New York.

by which tSs Hoffqren rodt by ths advertiser's experience SURE CURE FUR seat and Stomach worms. Dr. UatehlnMaS Vegetable Worm Destroyer. Price, S9 wilts box. Koramleby Drazeleu ead Store-keeper Wrigbt A Co, Whole' ale DruggistMsikui snd Frqnl Htreet.

Phlladalphla nor ATB-Stn TO CONSUM PTIV3 The advert liter, having been permaeenily cared lease, Coasuinptlon, by eared ot Hist tln-sil dleestw, simple wnwdy. is sisxlous to mske kuown to, hls fellow ruffereis tlie means of euro. To oil who rte-lie 1 ha will aoDd copy of the presdripthm nsed (frae nf Charlie), with the dlractloua for preparing and naiqg the eaiu whhMl they will flqd Hare Cure fer Conan ntpUoa, Aittim BroaeblU Ac. Parties wishing the prrscrlptlon will plesse 1 dress Ksv. E.

A.WIL8UN. IM Penn WUllsmMmrsh. New York. ra I dee 1T3 TORN MARKET. PURCrtAklNG PRICES; Giiaix WJiite Wheat per bnslt $1 .40 $1 40 .70 48 82 9 60 2 1)0 1 25 40 Red do Corn; Oat new Seeds Clover $ed, Timqtliy, Seed, Flaxj i do -Flour Uabiizu.

do do do do J. do RETAIL PRICES Flour Extra, per.bbl.. Super, I do Feed Mixed Oorn ifcUati, 750 00 bus 45 OiiMSal, do 1 60 1 05 1 05 19 00 10 00 Shorts, per JOO lbs, iff, T(-w-41iu a I i IwlOV! 1 Duttkr per pound 30 to 85 cents.1 Eggs, per dozed 15 to 16 cents. "I- i jTvxbda, March fh, 7 Grain. Hie I sales were 1200 bushs Maryland red at $1 60al 52 for good, and $1 60 for prime; 400 bushs Pennsylvania red ou track at 521, and 400 buslis rejected estern red on track at $1 20.

I Corn, Southern Corn Is in demand, and the market is firth. Some I KQ(1 lB marxea is urm. outuu iw.uuu bupta -halj Uver yegterdaj rold at toe sales were 7000 cents; 1500 buahs bushs do. at 57a59 cts, at 63 cents. quie end unchanged, bushs good Western vents, and 800 and 150 bush South sales 800 bushs at CATTLE MARKET.

Wlneaday, March. SO, 1S7S. Prices this week Ifor as follows: Best that generally rated 12; medium or 12; i thin Cows 8 00; general this week $5 87; prices -8 60 wese from 'market closes (Arm at I ewiriliit an DH OlleringS eXHlUIB, Bll 1- yery stock, and I good Ubeepi are readily Riling at our best quotations, 'while the markets pot os fully stocked jwith common Uheeii os ft was since quotations SaT cts per IB. 1 eSTA. heavy with hijth: windz prevailed last etenimr in-the New England Railroad travel waa inter xupted apdthe telegraph wires! proetra ted in various-' directions.

Only one telegraph wire was working between New York -and Boston. I i DemsersU, this Tear Be isye. The Democrats 'in Congresi adopted the following reeolution; offeo by Mr. Holman, of Iudlada? It Js 1 nown as the anti subs tdg, an ii pan of jufilic firedit manifesto; Rsaslvsd, That In the Jttilgmrat of 'ib tbs prwmU fcomlitiod ot i6 IniBflij UfMi the aevfrnment, no- subaidlos msw, ttM nubile latuU-Badoraamant, or byplsdgj of th He credit, abUfid bo grnntod hy CongraHs ta Dons or. corparations gag In public or private spyroonsuoas from the pubUe Treagury era le ha uLBiea thu tnne tu iueb amoaatt oiiy niu Im- by ttifl pftblip Mnrtet On thia Mr.

Doltnaa domapdfid the' previous question, wftich wm seconded by a rifling vote of 198 yeaa. Tlie yeas and nays were demanded andl ordered, and tbe result wap 205 in favpr of tbe roaolulioo fo 33 Bgainat it. We propose to keep thla dfeciaratiou of Damooratie priocfpiea before the peo- the ciblisIe outrage. Cablislk, March 29. Last night 1)3 uC slue oclock, ft second attempt was made to destroy tbs lives sad.

property of ex Sheriff liCarluey of th IS place. gome-miscreants 'placed up Infernal machine on the doorstep, and (ignited It 'by some means producing a terrible explosion, completely demolish ing the front -portion of the building, blowiaxout ths doorwlndnwishutters, sashete. -The floor nsar (the-front door waft blown Into tbe callar and the partition or entry wU waa thrown against tha ytatr door, preventing the escape of the -inmates until assistance arrlyed. I Had the plaee taken fire from the ex pleston It would have been, qiffioult for tbe Inmates to have escaped. ThC franusof the door was forced out of place toward the streets, the I endy rest ing upon the pavement.

The heavy stone wall was-bulmd Wtisrd and the ceilings completely demolished. An elegant sewing machine, which stood jn the bedroom above the entry, was torn to atoms by the force of the explosion. The bed was lifted sufficiently to allow the eastors to drop out, and the headboard blown off. Two pet birds, a dovs and a canary, were kilted, the dove having we feathers complelply stripped off. Every article of furniture was more or lees injured, a tabjs with one leg, a dock without works, etc.

The kitchen ceiling was down two feet from its plainly showing the roof above. The report of tho, Inferaal 'machine was beard all over town aqil hundreds- of persons flocked to ths scone of disas ter. Tho bdusp presants. dilapidated appearance thh walU-spyung. scorch and dvea' the cornioa partially de mollsbel.

i1 Thousands visited the scene, aud the town Is in a furore of ex- oitomeut-over this second attempt to 'destroy life and The windows1 formaquare from the scene pf the ex nlosion were shattered, and forty panes of glass-were required; to -repair tbe damage to one house alopet Strange to say, all the Inmates who were In the house: at time escaped aninjured; 1 There an many rumors afloat as to gmplclons, bat nothing can be traoied to any authentic source. adminlatrator of I 1 AvSSnt SdlxuMbNiq ono of ths ex- I 'Stotlc to hsrehy glvon- that upfeta win bo ecutom of Henry ZaUerftSr? deceased, exhibited I made In open Court on Monday, April lft.inft an-by ftWiniam Lease and Peter Becker, ejcecntofi I dor tbe Act of Assembly Mthe Ooutmonwralih accessed. Psnnsylvsal entitled -An Act." to provide for of oertaln oqr- for a charter of Daniel Less docassed. 08 vuet gndFlnal occacnYof John fulten, exits of Ann Kuhl. deceased.

I Pennsylvania, untKiaa -n I the laoorporaUou nd regulation of I uoratlon approve Afoll 9ft 1874. fot f. pied by six families were next 'carried a why. Iff one pf them, a Are was st-ill burning, and' as it waa lifted on the waves the smoke poured from'lte chimney and it careened along like a- steam barge until it struck upon a rock and was shivered into plint era. i Wright Uottomlya woollen mill, worth i $20,900, wafl next whirled- frond its foundation and shattered, aud tlie water gathering i force by -th increased descent of the 1 888 bushel stream bed and carrying broken trees and timbers upon its-surface like battering ranu struck the outer end of the flvelnry brick woollen mil of Ash wdrtfi Joqfes, the largest mill in Cherry Valley, abd cut off one end of the building as if it had been a slice of cheese, besides carrying away toe wheel-house, the boiler, toe picking machines, aud two heavy stone dams planted bn the brew of rocky fall.

The loss here IB from $50 to Ct(TTING' AtiAYTUE RAILROAD TRACKS (Tust below this mill the little valley juatunow uiie uiui tun uiue rsiaiy 681 ctsnmd to-day btishs white at 8368 do. at 62 ctHJ 1500 and 8500 bushs yellow OATS-Dats are sales beieg .1000 bright at 45451 prime do, at 49 efts, ern at 48 cents ItYM is Arm, with UALTlMtiRH Beef Cattle. -Beef Cattle ranged Beeves at 6 50 first qualify 16 good quality 4 Steers, Oxen and average oLmarket extreme Most of the safes per 100 lbs. i IIogs-. Tlie i ..7.,, ii, utor Mary i 98 Aocount of Joseph Dcl)uac, admluletratoy of 98.

Aocount of Joseph Mary Smith, deceased. TO Acconut sif Georg Tl. Wolf, guard tan of Chao. CjVAentGrenraKlmrael and Henry Kim-mel! exaontore of Geergo KtuilueL dooraeed. eXeuutore ot Geargo Kluimel, dooraeed.

I Aocount of Peter B. Dechert, deceased, late I guardian of Ileunr Plckiag Xlsenhart a-mlnor, hx- by Mi AargurofDecbarV admlnlbtratrig I. of rmr th Deohert, deoeraed, 1 Tt Aocount of Adam D. Flinch baa gh and Henry Slicaiteiger, executma of auob 1 UuuUbaugh, do- 74lteooont of Htary Bortner, Edward Bort-tM, nod Daniel Bortner, cxecutore of Mlehaai M. Doftner.

rtonniii'il IB Aocount of FbUlp Altland, guardian of Elijah Jictfffi U(fl minor. Tfl Aocount of Dnulol Rrcnnemfcn and WlUlam I Robb, administrator of George Robb, deceased. IT Aooouot of J. S. admlntouafor of I gnanllsn of rcfflrT mj-u T9 In rat and flOal acconut of John G.

Grim, gnar-dtan J. Jackson Jpkfti gOERBKR, Reg I ter. -)- gTOVE8 AND TIN WARE jsrsffisJKSJs ss Htablteliiiientlif tbenlmerlbe ft Wert Makret iraet, fowdoore from Centre Squat and examtao ttaamUeSacftmtaiprat variety of Stored; htoexlrateaeortment af Tin The I ae dhO1 per day at bom Sample worth I maral.Tfl S5 tO jp-fcU gl free. STINSON CO Portland, Main lftTB-lyH orooks ogulp, wl In tho elbow of the laedinitm wnollah mill Tlarlinira bend are two woollen Darlings These were both damaged about $5,000, and the great water wheel I of the latter embedded in mass of stone JustqBlow- the mill. Two dams and a unfelliahoddy mill suffered next, and then- the flood shot like lightning over the Roe ton nod Albany, i aii way track, out the embankment several fee deep, sweeping away ties, i pping np and bending the iron rails like straws-over a distance of four hundred feet, flashing a eoal shed 400 feet I long into and then plunging through om end of Jame'sl I SEND 99 to G.

New York Ofoi Pamphlet qL 100 paea, containing ilU of 9000 newspupenjrand MUinataa showing cost ot advcrttoii vsTW surift-ie-iyR $ts; I anal fie COmAiix! Mgln 7 Ift day hom*o. On Ult and ii Maim TO-iyRo, 1 i.

York Democratic Press from York, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.