Peach Upside-Down Cake Recipe (2024)

By Florence Fabricant

Updated Oct. 12, 2023

Peach Upside-Down Cake Recipe (1)

Total Time
45 minutes
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
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Peaches shine in this 1988 recipe. Ripe slices are coated with caramelized sugar, then a batter enhanced with just a bit of nutmeg. It's ready in 30 minutes, perfect for those warm days when turning on the oven feels impossible. It's best the day it's made, and kept unrefrigerated. One note: Your caramel might harden by the time you spread the batter on top of the peaches. Don't worry. It'll melt by the time it comes out of the oven.

Featured in: FOOD; Don't Discard Summer's Bounty Yet

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Yield:8 servings

  • ¼pound/114 grams unsalted butter, softened, plus more for greasing the pan
  • 3large, ripe peaches
  • cup/250 grams sugar
  • 1cup/128 grams flour
  • ¾teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 3eggs
  • ¾cup crème fraîche

Ingredient Substitution Guide

Nutritional analysis per serving (8 servings)

358 calories; 18 grams fat; 10 grams saturated fat; 0 grams trans fat; 5 grams monounsaturated fat; 1 gram polyunsaturated fat; 45 grams carbohydrates; 2 grams dietary fiber; 39 grams sugars; 6 grams protein; 73 milligrams sodium

Note: The information shown is Edamam’s estimate based on available ingredients and preparation. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice.

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Peach Upside-Down Cake Recipe (2)


  1. Step


    Heat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 9-inch cake or pie pan. Line the bottom of the pan with a round of parchment paper and butter that as well.

  2. Step


    Pit the peaches and cut into slices about ½-inch thick. Arrange the slices in a pattern on the bottom of the pie pan.

  3. Combine ½ cup/100 grams of the sugar with ¼ cup/60 milliliters of water in a saucepan or skillet. Cook over medium-high heat until the mixture turns amber, about 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from heat immediately and pour this caramel evenly over the peaches in the pie pan.

  4. Step


    In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder and nutmeg, and set aside.

  5. Step


    In another medium bowl, beat together the butter and remaining ¾ cup/150 grams sugar until light. Beat in the eggs 1 at a time. Stir in the flour mixture. Spread the batter evenly over the peaches and caramel.

  6. Step


    Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until top is golden brown and cake is set. Remove from the oven and set on a cooling rack. Run a knife around the sides, place a platter on top and invert the cake onto the platter. If any of the peach slices stick to the pan, lift them off carefully and replace them on top of the cake. Serve the cake warm or cooled to room temperature, with crème fraîche on the side.


  • Your caramel might harden by the time you spread the batter on top of the peaches. Don't worry. It'll melt by the time it comes out of the oven.



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Cooking Notes

Flossie G

I just made this and it turned out beautifully. I did use a 9-inch cake pan instead of the pie pan listed in the recipe. It was finished baking in 35 minutes; it flipped out easily. I'm not sure why some people are using springform pans; it wouldn't seem helpful and it's not necessary. For novice caramel makers: it takes a while for the sugar to turn amber but once it starts, it turns quickly. Have the peaches in the pan and pour the caramel in immediately.


I added a pinch of salt to the batter. If you arrange the peaches (I used 2 peaches), then scatter a handful or two of blueberries over them before adding the caramel, it comes out gorgeous, with the peaches arrayed against a purple background.


If you haven't made caramel before, I highly recommend researching how to do it (just Google it) because you cannot make it correctly from these instructions, which assume you already know what to do. (For example, you should not stir it while you are cooking it.) My first effort was a complete disaster as all the sugar recrystalized. My second effort also didn't work as I panicked that it was going to burn and I stopped too soon, and basically poured sugar water on the fruit.


Be sure not to burn your caramel - it will keep cooking after you take it off the heat, which means is could burn like ours did the first time. I'd take it off the heat at a very light amber color rather than an dark amber. A really lovely, easy cake.


My husband and I devoured this. It's yummy and simple. Cooked this in a 10" cast iron pan cause that's what my dad always used for his pineapple upside down cakes. I used extra peaches and added a shot of bourbon to the caramel sauce. Served with vanilla ice cream. Next time, I'll make extra sauce for the extra peaches!


I followed others' suggestions and used 3/4 c of sugar in the caramel, and I baked it for 40 minutes in a springform pan. I also added a sprinkle of salt to the peaches before pouring in the caramel. Very happy with the result: moist, not cloyingly sweet, very flavourful. Will definitely be making this again!


Friends, please don't make my mistake of using a springform pan. The caramel leaked all over my oven. Ah, if only I would read recipes and follow them. ;) But the cake was lovely nonetheless: not overly sweet, a good summer coffee cake. I might be a little more aggressive with the spices next time and add some cinnamon and clove.


make sure to overlap peaches well to prevent the cake from getting through during baking.


Just the best recipe: delicious with either peaches or nectarines (do not peel either). The only change I made was to use 1/2 cup of sugar in the cake itself instead of 3/4. Perfection and so easy to make!
Caveat: my friend made it and it came out soupy for her; make sure you test the cake with a toothpick to make sure it is fully cooked before you take it out of the oven.


Made with into a fabulous Im(PEACH)ment cake with the last of this season’s Texas peaches. Enjoyed by all.


Peaches too small and not quite ripe? My 6 small peaches were sliced into 1/4 "+, tossed in a small amount of lemon juice then poured into the baking pan. They were baking in the oven while the cake mixture and sugar topping were prepared. Caramel sauce was increased by 1/2 and covered all the loose, partially baked peaches. With batter it baked an additional 40 minutes. No one could tell peaches weren't ripe and dessert was a success.

Sheila Mooney

great flavor, but it is not fully baked in 30mn. looked at other recipes for similar and timing was more like 45mn. toothpick came out dry at 30, top sprang back but i could sort of tell by color it was not quite done. and indeed: soupy middle. i'll give it another try.


sprinkle of salt on peaches; handful of blueberries;bake 40 minutes; stop caramel at light amber; add some cardamom or cinnamon;If your sugar turns to grit, put it back on the stove and remelt it.shot of bourbon to the caramel sauce.dont peel


I don't see why anyone would want to add more sugar to the already sweet caramel; it was great as is. This cake cooked for about 35 minutes and turned out to be raw in the middle so I baked it for another 15 and then left it in the hot oven that had been turned off. The result was a very caramelized and delicious cake. Next time I will add almond extract.


Do I have to peel the peaches?


1/8 tsp sea salt


"Ready in 30 minutes"? No way. The caramel alone requires 10-12 minutes and peaches don't slice themselves. But maybe 30 minutes refers to the baking time; also, no way. The first attempt, baked for 35 mins, was hot battery lava in the middle, despite toothpicks appearing to come out clean. So sad. But the crumbs were divine, so attempt Number Two is the in oven now, for at least 40 minutes but probably 45, because I feel cautious.

Romey Rome

Does this cake freeze well

Ana Z

Use yellow peaches. This recipe was an absolute hit. While it’s perfect right out of the oven, as the days go by the peach juices soak into the cake and make it even better.

Debbie G

WOW I can't believe how perfect this turned out ! I was a little nervous because I never tried making caramel before, but after reading the many reviews I got courage and gave it a try. Increased caramel using 1 cup sugar to 1/4 C water. Added salt to caramel and cake batter plus 1 tsp almond extract. Baked for 45 min . Perfection and delicious!

Doreen M

This has become a summer staple in our house but I've found it's even better if you skip the nutmeg and substitute a good slosh of Disaronno (or I suppose another amaretto type liqueur) in the batter. Fabulous!

Marilyn W

I made this cake twice; the first time as written and the second time with changes. Here are my changes: it needs salt in the batter; 3/4 teaspoon for 1 cup of flour. The first cake tasted "flat" without salt. I also added 1/2 teaspoon each of vanilla and bitter amond extracts. I think that almond flavoring in peach desserts is necessary. I will make this again and will certainly try adding blueberries as Polly suggested. Peaches and blueberries go so well together!

R. Budd

First of all, this cake came out delish and definitely a keeper!! However, I read this recipe a dozen times. I'm pretty sure there's a step missing in the directions-- 3/4c creme fraiche goes in the batter (add to wet ingredients)??!?! I used Greek yogurt. I also added a pinch of salt to the dry ingredients and some lemon zest to the wet. Also, no cook caramel hack: 1/3 c brown sugar + 1tbl water. Spread on bottom of the pan and lay your sliced peaches on top of it.


Thank you! I read this also a dozen times and thought I was going crazy on the creme fraiche, why is no one else commenting on this??


The cake is wonderful but next time I’m going to make more caramel. I sprinkled a little salt on the peaches/caramel as other notes suggested & I’m glad I did. For novice caramel makers: don’t stir it, watch it the entire time, swirl pan when it starts to color, the color changes FAST. Cake definitely needs longer than 35min to bake. Even though a tester came out clean at that time, the center was still quite wobbly. Mine was done at 50min. Layed foil on top to keep cake from browning too much.


Made this last week, and while it was delicious, it did not look like the picture. We called it “ugly cake”. I should have put the cream o it to cover it up. But we ate every juicy bite!


How disappointing! I made the recipe exactly as written as I like to do the first time. As a very experienced baker, I had no trouble with the instructions and the cake looks beautiful. Unfortunately, my perfectly ripe, sweet, juicy Red Haven (my favorite) peaches lost their flavor. The glaze and cake were also tasteless. A few reviews used almond or vanilla extract. I would use both and add some slivered almonds. Melted butter and brown sugar would add more flavor than the caramelized sugar.


I followed the instructions exactly apart from extending the baking time to 50 min and the cake came out soaking wet and immediately succumbed to a mushy crumble. I’m wondering if all the people who had success used firm peaches instead of ripe because I just don’t understand how this crust can withstand the wet juice of ripe peaches.


Absolutely delicious, my new favorite go to recipe. I added 1/4 of almond extract. Carmel went from brown around edges to dark fast so it was good to be alert.

Jane M.

I used a 9-inch springform pan and had to increase the batter by a third. It needed to cook another 15-20 minutes to really set and served 10 people. Delicious!


¾ cup sugar for caramel (sugar, water, low heat, no stirring), 40 mins in the oven in a cast iron pan, 10 min rest before flip. I added 2 inches of grated ginger to the batter which went so well with the peaches.

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Peach Upside-Down Cake Recipe (2024)
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