Lightning the Hedgehog (2024)

This article is about an Fan Character created by the artist Shiro_Sonic.

Me? Stop making electricity jokes? I couldn't if I fried.

- Lightning the Hedgehog

Lightning the Hedgehog (ライトニング・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Raitoningu za Hejjihoggu) is an artifical anthropomorphic hedgehog. She was one of many Prototypes that Gerald Robotnik created to prepare for Project Shadow. Lightning's Prototype status was left unfinished due the invasion of G.U.N. on the Space Colony ARK. After surviving G.U.N.'s attack and setting off as a free spirit, Lightning learned to level up her Prototype status on her own and became a better version of herself.

Lightning makes use of her electrokinesis, a powerful ability which she needs to recharge by absorbing electricity or conducing lightnings to herself as soon she runs low on electricity. With her electrokinetic powers she's not only able to discharge powerful attacks but also capable to move fast as the speed of lightning.


  • 1 Concept and creation
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Powers and abilities
    • 4.1 Thundering Lightning
    • 4.2 Dark Lightning
    • 4.3 Werehog Lightning (and Wereyena Sigma)
  • 5 Weaknesses
  • 6 History
  • 7 Relationships
    • 7.1 Sigma the Hyena
    • 7.2 Thrash the Shark
    • 7.3 Rouge the Bat
    • 7.4 Amy Rose
  • 8 Gallery

Concept and creation

Lightning the Hedgehog (1)

Lightning the Hedgehog was created in 2013. Her design got tweaked a few times but her electrokinesis powers always stayed the main trait. Just like it is with Sonic, Tails and other Canon Characters, it is easy to remember their names hence they are based on the character's appearance or abilities. So my goal was to apply the same for Lightning. I wanted to create a design that would give away her name and powers by her look alone.


Lightning the Hedgehog (2)

Lightning is a white-furred anthropomorphic hedgehog. Her fur has a shine like a white pearl on it. She has vibrant blue eyes. As an albino, her original eye color was red, but it was altered during experiments. She has a black nose, a tan skin that covers her muzzle, insides of her ears and front torso. She has small, triangular ears on top of her head, six long quills on the back of her head, two reminding the shape of like a lightning striking down, one points up on the top front of her head which she uses as lightning conductor quill, while the other three curve downwards. Two spines protruding from her back behind her shoulders, and a short tail. She has yellow lightning shaped stripes of which her electricity discharges: on four of her bigger head quills, around the edges of her eyes like an winged eyeliner pointing upwards, and on her arms and legs. Her two bigger middle quills are very long. View from behind, one almost reaches her knees. This means when she is about to fall backwards, she gets cushioned on her quill. When she runs her quills don't disturb the "players view" since they go up with the velocity and one can see her body like when playing Sonic.

For attire, Lightning wears white gloves with black cuffs and white-blue tongues, and high sneakers shoes which, like her gloves, have black cuffs and white-blue tongues. Lightning also wears Inhibitor Rings with an attached lightning bolt-shaped from on each of her wrists and ankles. She wears a black top and asimetric pants with blue borders.


Lightning the Hedgehog (3)

Lightnings personality was inspired and is a mix of Bakugo and Deadpool.

Lightning has a lot of self-esteem and courage, this is because she has experienced many battels in her 50 years of functioning. She only fully opens her eyes when she uses her electrokinetic powers. Lightning's general expression is confident with half closed eyes. It's not difficult to pick up her interest however as she has a curious nature.

Lightning is co*cky, short-tempered, impulsive and aggressive, this is why she tends to come off as unheroic. She's also overconfident about her powers, which most precieve as arrogance. She's sarcastic, snarls and bares her teeth whenever she is annoyed or angered. Lightning tends to use her electricity also in situations outsite battle, such as to intimidate someone, to punctuate a point, out of frustration or even if she just feels like showing off.

Lightning has a strong sense of justice and is protective towards her friends and the ones who can't protect themselves, which she handles in her usual aggressive way. She's easily angered by perceived accounts of unfairness or threat towards others. Lightning is extremely straightforward - sometimes a little too much - to the point her brash candor is seen by some as insensitive. She doesn't hold back to say what she thinks in a honest but rude way. She loves to make electricity puns and uses words associated with electricity. She uses her broken humor and teasing if she doesn't like someone, to put them down. Lightning doesn't seem to care very much about what others think of her, barely containing herself from her aggressive behavior (although she avoids other typical delinquent practices and severely harming others.) Lightning shows compassion for enemies whose destiny made them turn to villains.

Lightning values honesty highly and never lies nor pretends, as she sees this behavior only for the weak. Shadow for example also never lies. While he does that naturally, the difference with Lightning is that she does it deliberately, because she knows how much power the truth holds. In her eyes the ones who have no loyalty are not worth to be spared and enjoys it even more to beat them down. Lightning possesses a feral cunning and has a knack for quickly exploiting any opening her opponent reveals. In addition, she is quite teasing, revealing a psychotic grin or laughing maniacally whenever she becomes excited. Despite her bad temper, she always puts the others well being before herself. She does not trust anyone that easely. But she would risk everything for the ones she trusts.

Lightning's (also Shadow's and the other Prototype's) being was shaped like Marias Soul with the hope that their character would be good and not turn evil and a threat for humanity. In the end of the day, she decided to use her powers to better the world around her.

Powers and abilities

Lightning the Hedgehog (4)

Lightning is a speed type. She can keep up with Sonic and Shadows speed, but only by using her electrokinetic power. She's not a nature talent as Sonic. Her speed must be activated with her ability of controlling electricity. Her max speed equivalentes the speed of lightning.

Lightning's Prototype body is build that she can store and discharge electricity. One can basically use her as a lightning conductor. She will always be outside when it rains. She senses storms from afar and lightnings before their impact and can attract them to herself to recharge her electricity. Needless to say she is not afraid of water and loves any kind of water environments. Lightning is also able to absorb electricity from any kind of places.

She can amplify her speed with electricity to boost, spin dash, quick step, jump higher, slide ect. When she spin dashes or homing attacks her enemies, instead of a blue blur like Sonic, she leaves a yellow bolt shaped trail in her wake. While her electrokinetic powers are active, her eyes and yellow pattern glows. It is barely recognizable during the day, but at night it's clearly visible. She tended to overuse her electric abilities and this caused her to lose consciousness. This is why she wears like Shadow, inhibitor rings as power limiters. Her Inhibitor Rings do not only restrain her electric powers from overcharging but also prevent her sysem's energy to hit 0%. Lightning is aware of the strenght of her powers. Reason why she prefers to fight alone so she doesn't have to pay attention to her surroundings and can unleash her electricity to the fullest at her enemies without holding back.

Lightning doesn't need to eat or sleep, but her stamina is based on how much electricity she has absorbed. To put it more simple, she works like a phone battery. When her "battery" runs low, she tends to drink a lot of coffee, it doesn't help recharging - it's just a side effect.

Thundering Lightning

Lightning the Hedgehog (5)

Lightning can't transform in a Super state with Chaos Emeralds however, Lightning has her own way to trigger her Super form. She transforms into Thundering Lightning by overcharging her electricity powers over 1000% after taking off her inhibitor rings. In her Thundering form, her withe fur turns golden and her yellow pattern colors white. All her quills turn upwards, bending like the shape of bolts. Her yellow electricity turns to a shining white, her blue eyes colors a bright red, the iris glows white, while her pupils shape distorts like a star with several diffraction spikes. Lightning's inhibitor rings keeps hovering next to her wrists and ankles during this transformation, as if there is a magnetic force between them.

Thundering Lightning is Lightning's strongest form. In this state, all of Lightning's abilities far surpass her normal ones. She's able to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing her to significantly enhance all of her electrokinesis abilities to a superhuman level. This resulted in unbelievable levels of strength, speed, agility, and durability. She is also able to fly and is nearly invulnerable. However, this transformation consumes a lot of energy, meaning it cannot be maintained for long.

Dark Lightning

Lightning the Hedgehog (6)

Different from regular lightnings, dark lightnings are caused by high energy electrons during thunderstorms, colliding with surrounding air molecules, resulting in the release of gamma rays. A negative energy, build up of an unnatural electricity source when it is about to strike creates a magnetic field and charges up electrons that causes everything in the surroundings to float upwards.

Her electric powers uncontrollably unleashes when negative emotions like agony or anger gets the better of her. Her emotions have an impact on her energy, too much of negative emotions causes her electricity to turn to dark lightnings. During this transformation, her quills are upturned and even more bent like lightnings, her white fur and her electricity color turns black. Her eyes becomes blank and due the reverse gravity arund her, her tears float upwards.

Lightning's rage and grief are out of control and she has even gained the intention to kill. However, she can still control her actions to an extent, as this form is rooted in the darker aspects of Lightning's natural instincts, including the desire to live, trample and impose over opposition, and on a metaphysical level, the natural occurrence and manifestation of loss, decline, destruction and death. Lightning's Dark status ends either when she stops crying or faints. Up to now, Amy was the only one who was able to restore Lightning back to her normal state. Despite the danger to get hurt, Amy hugged Lightning and managed to make her tears stop.

Werehog Lightning (and Wereyena Sigma)

Lightning the Hedgehog (7)

A bestial, werewolf-like form. This extreme physical transformation was created when when Dark Gaia was active and Lightning and Sigma accidentally absorbed a dose of Dark Gaia's energy, although the transformation itself would only be triggered by nighttime and remain active until daytime. After using it on a number of occasions, Lightning and Sigma lost this form permanently when Dark Gaia reclaimed the energy that caused the transformation.

In this form, Lightning loses her speed in exchange for incredible strength and stretchable arms. Sigma gains even further strength which enhances her powers to an uncanny superhuman strength. They also gain a bit more feral and bestial behavior as a Werehog and Wereyena, including a slightly deeper, growly voice, a tendency to roar and howl, occasional quadrupedal movement patterns, and a shorter temper. Even when Lightning and Sigma turns into this form, though, their heart is almost no different than usual.

In this form, Lightning and Sigma resembles a werewolf and gains increased muscular density and weight. They grow slightly larger, with a broader torso and hips, a longer muzzle, larger hands, and longer, more muscular arms. Additionally, their fingernails become claws, their mouth becomes much larger, their inner lips become black, and his teeth become bigger and sharper fangs; two of which always protrude even when their mouths are closed. Likewise, the ears become more curved, fluffier and thinner, resembling a pair of horns in Lightning's case. Their skin and fur color does not get altered in contrary to Werehog Sonic. But their fur grows into a lush, heavy, dense coat. Lightning also gains fur in places she normally does not, such as in her ears. While their eye colors remain the same, they become a lot more angled and pointy, with more prominent brows.

For attire, Lightnings white gloves gets ripped off, turning her gloves to fingerless gloves, exposing her fingers. Lightning's yellow fur on her middle finger can be seen. Her yellow fur patterns is of where she discharges electricity. Lightning gains heavy metal chunks on her shoes, but she does not feel any weight due the massive amount of muscle gain in this form. Sigma gains more metal spikes on her attire, around her wrists and the metal knuckles grew longer to a cylinder form. Her hair style turns to a pointy Stegosaurus-looking tomahawk haircut which gets longer on the back of her head.


Without her electricity, Lightning is just like Sonic without his speed. In a situation where she runs low on electricity and is isolated or in an open field with no electricity to absorb or any conductor to pull out enegry of the area around her she is powerless. Without her electricity Lightning can not run fast, attack or defend herself.

Despite her immortality, Lightning can be knocked down if taken off-guard. Most noticeably, this will leave her unable to walk and speak immediately after the attack. Though she can still fight later on, this will risk her life if she pushes herself too far, and it takes her several days to fully recover.


Lightning the Hedgehog was the 13th Prototype of Gerald Robotnik's creations. Hence, she was given the Prototype name Thirteen. After Gerald tested his initial Prototypes, he quickly remarked the lack of potential in them for becoming a bigger project to help find a cure for his granddaughter Maria Robotnik. After the creation of small sized Prototypes, he created Biolizard. While the Biolizard was successful in the way that it could regenerate, restore itself, and self-reproduce, it was also unruly and dangerous. It was closed down when Gerald, with the aid of the alien Black Doom, created a more advanced being: Shadow the Hedgehog. Next to Project Shadow, Lightning and the other creations were merely Prototypes, most of them unfinished and untested artificial creatures, not even worth to be called a Project. Gerald decided keep those Prototypes inactive in their capsules for later optimizations or to use them in project in the future. Unfortunately he didn't get the chance to work on his Prototypes as the Space Colony ARK was overrun by G.U.N..

When G.U.N. came to Space Colony ARK in order to put a stop to Gerald Robotnik's plans, they found the Biolizard and shut it down. It didn't go without a fight, however, and it destroyed almost the entire group of G.U.N. soldiers. Somehow Gerald Robotnik retrieved and programmed the creature to destroy the Earth, by fusing with theARK to keep it on its collision course as a contingency plan in case someone tried to interfere with his original plan. Sereval of Doctor Robotnik´s experiments were destroyed during the fight. Capsules got shattered and consequently many Prototypes awakened from their induction sleep and could escape. As Lightnings capsule broke during the invasion of G.U.N., Shadow's and Lightning's paths crossed briefly for the first time. Trough unlike him seeing her, she didn't notice Shadow.

The Biolizard then used Chaos Control to teleport outside and fuse with the space colony itself, becoming the Finalhazard, the final boss of the game. It was fought by Super Sonic and Super Shadow, who with their combined power, managed to defeat it, then used Chaos Control to place the ARK back into orbit. Both Shadow and the Finalhazard fall to their apparent deaths (though it is later revealed that Shadow survived). However neither the Biolizard died after the collision. It could free itself out the residues and freaeked out threaten to destroy everything around on his path. Biolizard may was a giant creation, but it wasn't intelligent as the Prototypes. He was already wounded from the fight with Super Sonic and Super Shadow, so the Prototypes had a higher chance and finally were able to eliminate him. United, the Prototypes fought and triumphed against it.

After the fight against Biolizard, the Prototypes scattered. Prototype Seven and Prototype Eleven teamed up and checked for other survivors around the destroyed area. As the two were about to give up their search, they found another survivor. Lightning AKA Prototype Thirtheen got stuck with one leg between metallic residue during the fight. The two Prototypes helped her out of the masses. Lightning's leg was brocken and there wasn't much hope for her to function in that state. Gerald Robotnik, the only one who could have repaired her was nowhere to find anymore. Despite the fact that the two Prototypes knew the road would be difficult with a wounded ally, they decided to stick together because they figured that Lightning's electrokinetic powers might could be useful for them along the way.

On their way out the battlefield, they got surrounded by G.U.N. agents. Lightning turned around to convince the two Prototypes to run away but they were nowhere to be seen anymore. G.U.N. took Lightning along other captured Prototypes to a undercover government lab where they were set into a deep sleep again. They went trough several experiments, trying to discover the formula of Gerald Robotnik's creations for his Prototypes and Projects. However, during these analyses they couldn't find any clues since the data in each Prototype was well hidden. A young Doctor who worked the lab was a secret admirer of Gerald Robotnik's works. He recognized that those Prototypes are so much more than just a machines. They are living beings with own will. He soon decided to free them all and so he did. One night, after Lightning's leg got repaired, the young Doctor awakened the Prototypes from their sleep and created an opening for them to escape from the Lab. It turns out that Seven and Eleven convinced the young doctor to work to free the Prototypes.

Seven, Eleven and Thirteen concluded to remain together as a Team since their abilities: speed, flying and strength, balances each other out well. Their Prototype names were, Thirteen, Seven, and Eleven. But later on they decided to give each other new names based on their abilities. However they kept their Team Name "Team Prototype", to never forget about their origins.

The Prototypes didn't know about the creation of Shadow the Hedgehog. They only found out more later on, as they sneaked in G.U.N.s facility and checked trough data on their computers with the goal to find out more about their past. It was shocking to see that Gerald Robotnik abandoned the Prototypes and worked on a new Project that should and did result better as them. Rouge the Bat interrupted their stealth heist and revealed herself to be an agent who works for G.U.N.. It seemed that she also had her own reasons why she was there in the middle of the night. To Lightning's surprise, Instead of trying to arrest or report them for their intrusion, Rouge listened to their story. The next day, Rouge convinced the authorities of G.U.N. to hire Team Prototype as agents. Rouge made a deal with Team Prototype: she wouldn't tell the agents anything about their origins and in exchange, they would deliver her all the beautiful jewels (and Chaos Emeralds...) they would find during their agent missions. Team Prototype didn't know anything about Chaos Emeralds at the time, nor cared enough to comprehend why the Bat was after those gems since their main goal was to find out more about their past and Project Shadow.

From there on, Team Prototype made it to their mission to work for G.U.N. in order to keep being up to date with G.U.N.s informations and have easier access to their data to discover more about their past. Unfortunately G.U.N. never got a hold of the complete information about Gerald and his inventions. Lightning encountered Shadow only after he was awakened again by Dr. Eggman. Unlike Shadow, Lightning was lucky to escape and was not put to sleep for 50 years. The two Hedgehogs only met after these 50 years passed as both were working for G.U.N.. By that time she became good friends with Rouge. By the time Lightning met Shadow, she was alone on her journey. Eleven's and Seven's Status is Unknown.


Sigma the Hyena

Lightning the Hedgehog (8)

Sigma is a tough, co*cky, and assertive Hyena. She's also boisterous and outgoing, with a very contageous crazy laugh. Sigma herself is determined and selfless, bravely putting the safety of others before herself. She's is very honest and kind-hearted, having a straightforward way of thinking and following a specific code of chivalry that motivates her to live without regret. She's Lightning's best friend!

She's a Power Type, mainly a boxer and kickboxer. She used to be a professional fighter before the loss of her right forearm, which was replaced with cyber enhanched technology. A bigger loss than her arm for her was that with her cyber fist, she wasn't allowed to participate in any official fighting tournaments any longer. Thus, Sigma turned her back to her career as a fighter and became an underground fighter instead. The undergrounds where no rules and limitations exists also became her new home. After battles, Sigma sprays her "Σ" symbol on walls. (The "Σ" symbol means Sigma and is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet.) With this she leaves a message for everyone to show she was here and is not afraid to fight anyone who stands in her way. Hyenas are known for their bone crushing jaws. However Sigma uses her bite only as last resort.

Her hair have a pink hue called punch. The inspiration for her hair and also for part of her personality is VI from Arcane.

Lightning the Hedgehog (9)
Lightning the Hedgehog (10)

Sigma is pretty fast with her punches. She can reach high speed making her arms look like blurs! If at this point she increases the velocity even more she can preform a move she called "Meteor Shower. Her fists begins to heat up like when a meteoroid enters the Earth's upper atmosphere due to friction from the air. The heat causes gases around the her fists to glow brightly making her punches look like meteoroids. Once she charged up enough heat she can create an explosion. That's her final move called "Focus Blast".

Thrash the Shark

Lightning the Hedgehog (11)

Thrash (also known as "the Tidal Queen") is the skull crushing leader of the Tidals. The Tidal Queen is fierce, resourceful, and no stranger to survival, happy to rush headfirst into battle. During battle she turns bloodthirsty, an adrenaline rush that enhanches her powers which she calls "Bloodrush". In that state, Thrash becomes a very oppressive brawler and compleately ruthless .

She has car-like engines shoes, giving her additional running speed on land and swimming speed underwater! She also uses her engine to throw powerful kicks and smash trough obstacles.

Rouge the Bat

Lightning the Hedgehog (12)

Lightning met Rouge the Bat as she infiltrated in G.U.N.s facility with her team mates in order to find out more about their past on the Space Colony ARK. Rouge decided they could be useful for her own plans and recruited them to work for G.U.N. as agents. However they soon became good friends and grew even closer after Lightning lost her teammates. Although Rouge tended to use Lightning for her own interests at first, it changed as she couldn't kept dealing to decept someone whose always so straightforward and honest. This side of Lightning angered her since it is the reason she can't really get upset at her. In the end, despite the polar opposite personalities they go along surprisingly well and make a great Team. The two albino girls know each other in and out by now to the point Rouge actually is one of the few who doesn't get intimidated by Lightning's short-temper and aggressive characteristics. She knows Lightning wouldn't hurt her even if she threatens her to do so.

Amy Rose

Amy Rose never ending love, compassion and courage is what left an impression on Lightning. Though Lightning doesn't understand why Amy always helps people that are weaker than her, even if it doesn't directly concern her, it's the reason why she started to respect Amy. Lightning admires Amy because she's able to empathize with everyone and always manages to reach others hearts with her words. She also likes Amy because she's staunchly protective of those she bonds with and because her positivity and character who always wants to improve herself and has a mind of her own. Amy saved Lightning once as she turned Dark which made Lightning's respect for her only grow stronger. Everyone who mistreats her will get in trouble with Lightning as she would get furious at everyone who doesn't value her.


Lightning the Hedgehog - Reference Sheet

Lightning the Hedgehog - Reference Sheet 2

Dark Lightning Reference Sheet

Thundering Lightning Ref Sheet

Sigma the Hyena - Meteor Shower Punches

Sigma the Hyena - Fighting Style Ref

Sigma the Hyena - Ref Sheet

Sigma the Hyena - Ref Sheet + Expressions

Werehog and Wereyena

Blade n Gun v1

Blade n Gun v2

Old Concept Art - Lightning the Hedgehog

Lightning the Hedgehog - Anatomy Ref1

Lightning the Hedgehog - Anatomy Ref2

Classic Lightning

Deadpool - Lightning Sketch

Deadpool Sketches 2

"Piece of sh*t" - Thundering Lightning

Game Night

Expressions Practice

Pikachu Screen Redraw as Lightning

Isn't she the cutest

Lightning the Hedgehog (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.