Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (2024)

Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (1)

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Food Renegade

challenging politically correct nutrition

by Kristen Michaelis CNC 55 Comments | Affiliate Disclosure

Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (2)

Tasty Egg Drop Soup

It’s fast. It’s nutritious. It’s Egg Drop Soup.

My kids love it, and it’s a tasty way to get quality animal proteins into our diet without spending a fortune. We have it with lunch or dinner about once a week.

It also has the added benefit of being primal. You know — the kind of thing our ancestors might have eaten 10,000 years ago.

And if you make it with a hearty bone broth, then it will be even more nutrient dense!

So, enough praises. Here’s the recipe.

The Players

  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 2 stalks of celery, diced (optional)
  • 1 Tbsp butter from pastured cows
  • 8 cups of chicken broth (where to buy chicken broth)
  • 1/4 tsp ground ginger (fresh if you have it)
  • 1 tsp soy sauce (unpasteurized and unrefined)
  • 1/4 tsp sesame oil
  • salt to taste
  • 3 Tbsp arrowroot powder (or corn starch) + 3 Tbsp water
  • 6 eggs from pastured hens

The How-To

Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (3)

Dice onions and celery. Melt butter over medium heat.

Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (4)

Saute onions & celery over low heat until they turn soft. Stir in broth.

Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (5)

Add ginger, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Bring to a boil. Add salt to taste.

Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (6)

Mix arrowroot powder or cornstarch with water until smooth. Pour into soup and cook until thickened.

Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (7)

Whisk your eggs together and pour intermittently into soup. For beautiful, ribbony eggs be SURE to do this step AFTER the soup is already thickened!

Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (8)

Voila! The soup is done. Enjoy!

For more delicious recipes similar to this one (low-carb, high-fat), I highly recommend the Wicked Good Ketogenic Diet Cookbook.

Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (9)

Learn all about how to eat to force your body to burn fat. This book is jam packed with 156 delicious fat-shredding recipes that will help you burn fat like crazy. Even stubborn belly and thigh fat won’t stand a chance because your body will have NO CHOICE but to burn that fat for fuel!

At the moment, the printed version of this cookbook is 100% free to Food Renegade readers. You just cover shipping & handling.

Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (11)

About the Author

Kristen Michaelis CNC has been a Health and Nutrition Educator since 2008. Founder and CEO of Food Renegade, she's a passionate advocate for REAL FOOD -- food that's sustainable, organic, local, and traditionally-prepared according to the wisdom of our ancestors. She earned a Bachelor of Arts (summa cum laude) from Dallas Baptist University in Philosophy and Biblical Studies, then began her post-graduate journey as a researcher in the fields of health and nutrition. While she adores hats & happy skirts, nothing inspires her quite like geeking out over nutrition & sustainable agriculture. Nutrition educator & author of the go-to book on nutrition for fertility, she's also a rebel with a cause who enjoys playing in the rain, a good bottle of Caol Isla scotch, curling up with a page-turning book, sunbathing on her hammock, and parenting her three children as they grow into young adults.

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  1. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (12)Amber says

    Egg drop is my favorite soup and yours looks divine. I will definitely be trying this. Thanks!


  2. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (13)KristenM says

    I’m not sure there’s anything special about mine…. Seriously, it’s just like a host of other ones out there. The most important things about Egg Drop soup are to 1)make sure it’s salty enough, and 2) add the eggs AFTER you’ve thickened it. Other than that, there’s a lot of freedom. I like using green onions & garlic, for example.


  3. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (14)Spinner says

    I used to make shortcut egg drop soup before I became scared of packaged foods. I’d use one of those dry lipton chicken noodle soup mixes, make it, add soy, pour in the egg to make more noodles, add chopped cilantro and some tobasco. I usually made this when suffering from the killer allergies I had in Nashville. The tobasco really helped to open those sinuses. I’m definitely giving your recipe a try. Thanks!



  4. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (16)Jenny says

    That looks delicious. I might have to make some tonight.



  5. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (17)Stacey says

    Just like a previous commenter said, I used to only make egg drop soup from a package — before I knew better, of course! Now I only have it when going out for Chinese. I’ll have to add this to my lunch repertoire, though, since I eat eggs many times for lunch!



  6. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (18)Kelly the Kitchen Kop says

    Hi Kristen, this looks sooooo good, and fast! I’m printing it out right now. 🙂

    p.s. Great pictures, too!

    Kelly the Kitchen Kop


  7. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (19)KristenM says

    Thanks for the picture kudos, Kelly! I hope you enjoy the soup.



  8. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (20)Kelly the Kitchen Kop says

    I made a little bit lower carb egg drop soup last week (no arrowroot), but yours has more to it (more flavor, too!), so I’m adding a link to my recipe so people can see them both. Besides, your pictures are MUCH better!

    Kelly the Kitchen Kop


  9. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (21)K @ Prudent and Practical says

    Hi Kristen,
    I just wanted to stop by and say that I’ve now made this recipe twice 🙂 It’s cheap, delicious, nutritious, and quick! And after all the “crap” foods eaten over Thanksgiving and Christmas, it hits the spot. I make a crock pot chicken every other week and freeze the liquid from that so I don’t have to buy stock/broth. Thanks for this wonderful recipe.
    .-= K @ Prudent and Practical´s last blog post …Christmas Baking: Biscotti =-.


  10. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (22)Robe says

    Just made this soup, delish even if I had the chicken stock and sesame oil missing… I just used water and grind some sesame seeds instead of the oil…


  11. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (23)JenE says

    I just made this soup with my homemade chicken broth. Delicious!!! I’ll be making this soup often : ). Thanks!


  12. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (24)Kelsey Byron says

    We had this for breakfast this morning. My 4-year-old thought the egg ribbons were noodles and ate it up! I told him it was Halloween soup. 😉


  13. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (25)Amber says

    Thank you for posting this recipe lo these many months ago. Today I just happened to have the magic combination of good leftover bone broth from Thanksgiving and surplus pastured eggs, and the recesses of my brain brought up your egg drop soup recipe. It’s so good.


  14. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (26)Joy says

    Made this tonight! So easy and fast and healthy and most importantly delicious! Thanks!


  15. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (27)Kelsey says

    My bf made this for me tonight, to help me get over the flu, and boy was it delicious!!! 5 stars! Better that the restaurants!


  16. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (28)Andrea P says

    Holy flipping cow!!! Just made this for my hubby’s who LOVES egg drop soup. I don’t like eggs and I even loved it! didn’t have the sesame seed oil so I just used peanut. I will always have this on hand at my house from now on! Super thanks!!!


  17. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (29)Joelle says

    I just found this recipe and tried it out last night. WOW! It was sooo good! I expected it to be yummy, but it was eyes-rolling-to-the-back-of-my-head good! Delicious!! This will be a regular in my house for sure!
    Thank you so so so much!


  18. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (30)Tina says

    My whole family loved this recipe. I have a daughter who is 12 and she wants me to make it all the time.


  19. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (31)Eleanor says

    i had to chuckle as i read this recipe, i grew up with the same soup, except we added some some noodles and less eggs. Will def have to try this and see what our family thinks.

  20. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (32)Lisa says

    Wow, I just made this – SO GOOD, perfect cold night food. I was short on time so I omitted the sauteed vegetables and threw in lots of green onion at the end. Definitely making this many more times, thank you!


  21. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (33)Channi says

    Yum! I will give this a go for lunch today 🙂 do you think coconut oil would be a good substitute for sesame oil?


  22. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (34)Tonia says

    This looks wonderful. Where do you get your soy sauce? I haven’t been able to find any locally.


  23. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (35)Ashley says

    I used to hate egg drop soup,
    but a local restaurant changed my mind, making it thicker with lots of ribbons that resembled noodles and actual food. I have never been able to get enough of it since!
    At $3 something for a quart, it’s not bad, but would get tried of going there every day to just buy it.

    I’ve tried making egg drop soup a couple of times in the past and ended up with runny broth or shredded egg strands. Seems like almost everyone likes the runny version with almost no egg in it and most recipes reflect that.

    I came to the conclusion last night that I need to thicken it first (with lots more thickening agent that most recipes recommend). Then put in egg because the viscosity of the broth and the speed it’s stirred is what forms the thick ribbons.
    While it’s possible to make ribbons with a runnier broth, it’s much easier to stir the soup too quickly and make shreds instead.

    Your blog finally confirmed this. Thanks!


  24. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (36)Elizabeth says

    I’ve had this bookmarked for awhile, and we made it tonight. It turned out great! Thanks!


  25. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (37)warbaby says

    I love this site. Toooo many goodies to make. Thanks for all your hard work. Happy Holidays.


  26. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (38)Jess @ Crunchy Hot Mama says

    I made this last night and it turned out delish! I subbed coconut aminos for the soy sauce though, since we don’t do it anymore. Thanks for the wonderful recipe!


  27. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (39)Julie says

    It would be helpful if you added cooking temps. Mine would not thicken at all, I think because the temp was too high?


  28. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (40)shelly says

    I have been on this site for over an hour. What wonderful easy to follow directions. Love the pictures. Great job!


  29. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (41)Steve Allen says

    This looks like a great recipe and I’m looking for a tasty egg drop/flower soup! Although the celery is an interesting addition, I’ll likely forego it, wanting a more traditional appearing end product to serve a wide variety of folks. Thanks for sharing!


  30. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (42)Paleo for Better Health says

    Thank you for this blog.. It was just a few weeks since I started on paleo diet. My kids love soup and this soup recipe will be a great addition to my paleo recipes. Thank you so much I will surely try this out tonight.



  31. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (43)Sue says

    This looks wonderful! If you don’t want to use celery, you can use baby bok choy instead.


  32. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (44)Belle says

    I’d love this more if it were printable so I didn’t have to copy and paste it line. by. line 🙂


  33. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (45)Maria Gladstone via Facebook says

    I love soup and make it every week.


  34. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (46)Tara says

    This looks so good and very easy. Can it be frozen? I fix a pot of soup on the weekends, freeze it in individual portions and then thaw and heat for my lunch at work. I wasn’t sure how the eggs would do. Thanks!


  35. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (49)Sabrina McKenney via Facebook says

    Are the eggs being cooked when you add them? Would you compare them to scrambled cooked or like an over easy type done-ness?


  36. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (51)Erin says

    Does this re-heat ok??


  37. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (52)Taylor says

    This is one of my favorites simply by how fast and easy it is to make… plus the protein intake. Thanks for documenting with photos 🙂


  38. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (53)HICaveGirl says

    Was making chicken lettuce wraps for dinner, but knew that wouldn’t fill up my hubby, so I Googled Paleo Egg-Drop Soup and found your recipe. I have my homemade chicken broth simmering right now with the carcass from the whole chicken I cooked on Sunday. Can’t WAIT to taste this!!!!


  39. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (54)Shantel says

    To make this truly Paleo/primal,since soy is NoT Paleo, use coconut aminos! You can make your chicken broth at home:)


  40. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (56)Susanna Martin via Facebook says

    My siblings and I were practically raise on egg drop soup. My mom always made it with potatoes, homemade pasta, and butter added.


  41. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (63)Tony Cotroneo via Facebook says

    Just wanted to say thank you for all the great recipes.. Between you and nourishing traditions I have about 30 saved links!!!


  42. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (64)Patricia Emery says

    Am I missing the PRINT button?


  43. Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (65)Brenda W. says

    What Soy Sauce do you use? And would you recommend coconut aminos?


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Egg Drop Soup — A Paleo/Primal Recipe (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.