Easy Mother's Day Crafts For Kids - Messy Learning Kids (2024)

Mother’s Day is a special day for moms, grandmoms, stepmoms, and aunts all around the world, and what better way to show your appreciation than by creating a handmade gift? Crafting with kids can be a fun and creative way to celebrate this holiday while also spending quality time together.

In this article, we will explore some easy Mother’s Day crafts for kids that are perfect for all ages. From simple cards to personalized keychains, these crafts are sure to make your mom feel loved and appreciated on her special day.

Handprint Crafts for Mother’s Day

Handprint crafts are a classic and sentimental way for kids to create personalized gifts for Mother’s Day. Here are some easy and creative handprint craft ideas that your kids can make:

Handprint Flower Pot

What You Will Need?

How to make it?

Pour the paint into a tray. Let your child play in the paint first, then make a handprint on the craft paper. Till it dries, fill the pot with soil, or rocks.

Once it’s dry, cut the handprint out. Cut out the same shape from foam paper and glue the two pieces together, but first place the skewer in between.

Cut out 2 green leaf shapes from foam paper or craft paper, and glue them to the skewer. Put your flower in the pot.

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Handprint Card First Mother’s Day Gifts

Nothing is more adorable than a tiny handprint or footprint on a piece of paper. It’s the sweetest memory that can be kept forever.

What You Will Need?

What to do?

Take a piece of craft paper and fold it in half. Paint your child’s hand, foot, or fingers, depending on the pattern you want to make. Quickly press the painted hand, foot, or fingers onto the front of the card.

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Let the paint dry completely. Use markers to add any additional details to the print. If desired, decorate the card with a tiny bow, sequins, or any other accessories.

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Easy Mother's Day Crafts For Kids - Messy Learning Kids (4)

Liquid Shaker Cards not just for Mother’s Day

Planning to make a fancy card for Mother’s Day with your child? Make your own liquid shaker card! The best part is that you can add anything you like. We used glitter, beads, bead stickers, and tinsel.

What You Will Need?

How to Make a Liquid Shaker Card for Mother’s Day?

First, make your card base from the craft paper and fold it in half. Print the tulip shape, cut it out, and attach it to the inner side of the card with blue tack. This is important so you can transfer the template, and cut it out as well.

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Easy Mother's Day Crafts For Kids - Messy Learning Kids (7)

Fill the zip bag with the clear gel, water, a few drops of food coloring, and shiny materials. Stick the double-sided adhesive foam around the tulip shape inside the card. Then take off the other side of the adhesive foams and attach the zip bag to them.

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Easy Mother's Day Crafts For Kids - Messy Learning Kids (9)

Now that you have completed the DIY liquid card, it’s time to write the Mother’s Day greeting inside the card.

What to Write on Mother’s Day Card

Writing a Mother’s Day card is a meaningful and heartfelt way to express your gratitude to your mom. Here are some ideas for what to write:

  • Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for being my mommy and always taking care of me.
  • I love you more than ice cream, Mommy! Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Thank you for always helping me learn new things, Mommy. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Happy Mother’s Day to the best mommy in the whole wide world! You make me so happy.
  • Thank you for being my best friend, Mommy. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • I’m so lucky to have you as my mommy. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Thank you for always giving me hugs and kisses. Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy!
  • I love you to the moon and back, Mommy. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Happy Mother’s Day! You make every day brighter.
  • Thank you for being the best mommy ever! Happy Mother’s Day!
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Mother’s Day Printable Card with Handprints – Ladybug and Rocket Templates

Surprise mom, grannies, and aunties on Mother’s Day by gifting her with a delightful ladybug or rocket exhaust made from the handprints of your baby or toddler, accompanied by our printable Mother’s Day poem.

This charming card is sure to melt their heart and become a cherished keepsake for many years to come. Crafting this lovely Mother’s Day present is a breeze – just print out the poem, add the footprints, and pen a personalized message within the card.

Download Our Mother’s Day Printable Card with Handprints and Poem

What will You Need?

What to Do?

To start, coat your baby or toddler’s hand in red ink or paint, one hand at a time for ease. Once you’ve achieved the desired coverage (be sure to double-check that all fingers are coated), gently press their hand onto the card.

Apply firm pressure, ensuring that each finger has made a clear impression. You’ll need to create two handprints, one for each wing of the ladybug. Then add some black fingerprint spots on it.

If you like more the Spaceship card, you’ll only need to add only one handprint.Use red, orange, and yellow paint for the rocket exhaust.

Easy Mother's Day Crafts For Kids - Messy Learning Kids (12)

Mother’s Day Paper Flowers

Mother’s Day is a time to show appreciation for all the love and care our mothers give us throughout the year. One way to express your gratitude is by giving them a beautiful flower bouquet. However, instead of buying a traditional bouquet, why not create a unique and personalized one with tissue paper crumbles?

What will You Need?

How to Make Tissue Flowers?

Cut the tissue paper into small square pieces or tier them into smaller pieces.

Take one square or piece and crumble it into a ball.

Repeat until you have a handful of crumbled tissue paper balls in different colors.

Draw a flower bouquet on the paper and glue the bright tissue paper balls on the flower shapes.

Shrinky Dink Keychain Mother’s Day

This year we prepared our Grandmothers some magical memorial keychains for Mother’s Day.

Shrinky Dinks are a fun craft activity that involves coloring or drawing on a special type of plastic, cutting out the design, and then baking it in the oven. The heat causes the plastic to shrink and thicken, resulting in a smaller and more durable version of the original design.

What will You Need?

How to Make It?

You will need the lid of a salad container. This type of plastic is #6, it is called Polystyrene. It is hard to recycle, but we can reuse it with this activity!

Using colored pencils or permanent markers, draw a design on the Shrinky Dink plastic sheet. You can draw a picture of your mom, write a message, or rubber stamp handprints using permanent ink/water-based acrylic paints.

Cut out the design using scissors. Make sure to leave enough space around the edges to punch a hole for the keychain ring. Use a hole punch to make a hole near the top of the design.

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Place the Shrinky Dink design on the parchment paper-lined baking sheet (we were using aluminum foil) and bake in the oven for 2-3 minutes. The plastic will curl up and then flatten out again as it shrinks. Once it has flattened out, bake for an additional 30 seconds.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven and allow the Shrinky Dink to cool completely. If you made some handprints, make sure to cover them with a layer of Mod Podge.

Attach the keychain ring through the hole in the Shrinky Dink design.

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Easy Mother's Day Crafts For Kids - Messy Learning Kids (15)

Quick Mother’s Day Candle Jar Craft

A candle jar can be a thoughtful and beautiful way to show your appreciation and gratitude to your mother. It’s a gift that not only smells wonderful but also provides a warm and cozy ambiance to any room.

Not to mention that it is a handmade gift, which adds the biggest value to it. Whether you choose a scented or unscented candle, your mom will appreciate the gesture and the effort you put into finding a gift that she can enjoy.

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What will You Need?

What to Do?

Cut or tear the tissue paper into pieces. Then apply mod podge to the jar.

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After start layering the tissue paper in a pattern that you like. Once the tissue paper is in place, let it dry. Then add a layer of Mod Podge to seal everything, and let it dry.

Meanwhile, prepare the clay and roll it out to the desired thickness. Then, use a stamp to create an impression on the clay. Press the cookie cutter to cut out the shapes you like. Punch a hole for hanging. Add a layer of mod podge for a shiny result. When it dried, you can use some ribbons to attach it to the neck of the jar.

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Easy Mother's Day Crafts For Kids - Messy Learning Kids (19)
Easy Mother's Day Crafts For Kids - Messy Learning Kids (20)

Last-minute Gifts for Mother’s Day

Have you forgotten about Mother’s Day? Let’s make a quick and easy budget-friendly craft.

What will You Need?

Easy Mother's Day Crafts For Kids - Messy Learning Kids (21)

How to Make a Flower?

Slightly press the toilet paper roll and cut a tulip shape. You will get a 2-sided flower.

Invite your child to paint it.

How to Make a Cactus?

For a unique Mother’s Day craft, try making a cactus out of a toilet paper roll! Have your child paint the roll in their desired colors. Next, trim the sharp ends off some toothpicks and create small holes in the roll. Add some googly eyes for character and insert the toothpicks to resemble cactus needles.

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We sincerely hope that you and your children enjoyed making some of the easy Mother’s Day crafts we shared with you. Our Messy Learning Kids had a blast creating them, and we are thrilled to hear that they were a hit with your little ones too.

If you enjoyed these crafts, we invite you to explore our other creative activities, such as our Sports Paper Plate Crafts or any of the pipe cleaning activities. We take pride in using a variety of materials in our projects, including different types of playdough like salt dough or dandelion playdough.

We believe that engaging in craft activities is a wonderful way for children to learn and express themselves creatively. By encouraging them to explore new materials and techniques, we hope to spark their imaginations and inspire them to continue making and creating.

If you and your kids have tried out any of our crafts, we would love to see them! Feel free to tag us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. We are always excited to see the creative twists and personal touches that your family adds to our projects. Sharing your photos and videos with us also helps us understand which crafts are most popular, and what types of activities our followers would like to see more of in the future.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and we can’t wait to see your amazing creations!

Easy Mother's Day Crafts For Kids - Messy Learning Kids (2024)
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