Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (2024)

The perfect, easy side dish recipe ready in just 10 minutes. You only need three simple ingredients: olive oil, garlic salt, and asparagus.

Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (1)

Our Easy Broiled Asparagus is the perfect, easy side dish recipe ready in just 10 minutes. It’s also the easiest way to cook asparagus.

Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (2)

You only need three simple ingredients for this Easy Broiled Asparagus recipe. This is one of our favorite side dishes to throw together.

This easy recipe is the best way to use up your favorite green vegetable during asparagus season. By broiling the asparagus, it cooks up super quick – so fast and easy it’s our favorite way to cook the perfect side dish that’s also low carb!

Ingredients needed to make Easy Broiled Asparagus:

Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (3)
  1. Asparagus Spears
  2. Garlic salt
  3. Olive Oil

How to make Easy Broiled Asparagus:

  • Set your oven to broil.
Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (4)
  • Spread fresh asparagus (make sure to trim off the woody ends off the bunch of asparagusand rinse in cold water) on a rimmed baking sheet in a single layer.
Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (5)
  • Shake garlic salt over asparagus, then drizzle a little olive oil over top.
Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (6)
  • With your hands, roll the asparagus so each piece is covered evenly with the extra virgin olive oil and salt. Spread asparagus on the sheet evenly so that they are not overlapping.
  • Broil for about 5 minutes. (Asparagus cook times vary, keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn under the high heat)
Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (7)

Tips to make this Roasted Asparagus Recipe even better:

  • If you have thin asparagus stalks, it will cook in about 5-6 minutes (like the recipe states), but thicker asparagus stalks will take about 8 minutes to cook. It chars slightly for the perfect crunch and tenderness.
  • Use parchment paper for an easy cleanup.
  • Other favorite seasonings we like to use for this recipe: Parmesan Cheese, Sea Salt, Fresh Garlic, Black Pepper, lemon zest and a little Lemon Juice.
  • Store in a airtight container in the fridge.

Other Easy Asparagus Recipes:


Healthy Side Dish Recipes


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Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (8)

Serves: 4

Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe

The perfect, easy side dish recipe ready in just 10 minutes. You only need three simple ingredients: olive oil, garlic salt, and asparagus.

Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 5 minutes mins

Total Time 10 minutes mins



  • Set your oven to broil.

  • Spread asparagus on a baking sheet.

  • Shake garlic salt over asparagus, then drizzle olive oil over top.

  • With your hands, roll the asparagus so each piece is covered evenly with the oil and salt. Spread asparagus on the sheet evenly so that they are not overlapping.

  • Broil for about 5 minutes.


If you have thinner stalks, it will cook in about 5-6 minutes (like the recipe states), but thicker stalks will take about 8 minutes to cook. It chars slightly for the perfect crunch and tenderness.


Calories: 69 kcal · Carbohydrates: 4 g · Protein: 2 g · Fat: 5 g · Saturated Fat: 1 g · Polyunsaturated Fat: 1 g · Monounsaturated Fat: 4 g · Sodium: 1746 mg · Potassium: 228 mg · Fiber: 2 g · Sugar: 2 g · Vitamin A: 851 IU · Vitamin C: 6 mg · Calcium: 28 mg · Iron: 2 mg


  • Baking Sheet

Recipe Details

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: American

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Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (9)

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  1. Lisa says:

    I love asparagus and usually boil mine, but I've never thought to broil it. How delicious that sounds. By the way, I made your No-Bake Peanut Butter Bars last week (with a little twist), then revamped it and turned it into Muddy Buddy covered truffles. I loved them both ways.

  2. Carole says:

    Since you like asparagus, you might be interested in this collection of all things asparagus.

  3. Theresa says:

    Did you broil it on high or low?

  4. Twyla says:

    I was wondering the same thing! Was sure there would have been a reply since your question was 5+ years ago lol

  5. Cyd says:

    You can broil this asparagus on high or low. Low broil is for about 5 minutes. Just until tender. If you broil on High, keep an eye on it because it can cook very quickly.

Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (11)

About The Author:


This post was written by a past contributor of Six Sisters' Stuff. We appreciate all of the creative contributions that make Six Sisters' Stuff an amazing resource for families!

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Easy Broiled Asparagus Recipe (2024)


What method of cooking is best for preparing asparagus? ›

Asparagus is great quickly stir-fried or sautéed over high heat. You could sauté spears in butter or olive oil with delicious results, but throwing some chopped herbs or sliced chiles into the pan adds wonderful flavor. Both of these methods produce juicy asparagus that retains its crunch.

What is the healthiest way to eat asparagus? ›

Try adding shredded, raw asparagus to pasta dishes and salads. Alternatively, enjoy the spears lightly steamed or sautéed in a frittata, or as a stand-alone side dish. Asparagus is a nutritious choice, regardless of whether it's cooked or raw. Try eating a combination of the two for maximum health benefits.

Should asparagus be soaked in water before cooking? ›

I trim the ends and then rinse the stalks and let them sit in cold water for five minutes. It hydrates the asparagus, and they cook more quickly, for they are already wet with some moisture within them. Do not soak them for thirty minutes, you are not trying to get them soggy.

What are the three ways to cook asparagus? ›

Blanching, roasting, and grilling are my three go-to cooking methods, but you can also sauté asparagus for a frittata or pasta or poach whole spears for a quick dinner side dish. I even like it simmered into soup.

What is the most popular way to eat asparagus? ›

Asparagus develops a rich flavor when roasted, making this one of the most popular ways to eat the vegetable. Wash and trim spears, lightly peel the base of tougher stalks, and pat dry. Place on a baking sheet and mist or drizzle with olive oil, rolling each spear to coat.

Why is my oven roasted asparagus soggy? ›

Overcooking It

Because it only takes a few minutes to cook, keep a close eye on it to avoid soggy, limp stems as the outcome. To avoid overcooking, take it out of the oven or off the stove a minute or so before you think it's done. Another way to prevent overcooking is to shock the asparagus in an ice bath.

Why is my asparagus tough after cooking? ›

Asparagus contains an enzyme that creates a woody compound called "lignin," at the end of each spear. Lignin is not softened by heat, so it remains fibrous and tough after cooking. To eliminate lignin, snap (don't cut) the end of each spear just before cooking.

Do you need to prep asparagus before cooking? ›

Asparagus can be purchased as whole stems or spears (the tender, top part of the stem). Before cooking these pre-trimmed asparagus tops, all you need to do is give them a simple wash and they are ready. Whole asparagus needs slightly more preparation - due to their tough 'woody' ends.

What organ is asparagus good for? ›

The dietary fiber in asparagus helps your stomach and intestines continue to work normally. Dietary fiber fuels good bacteria, which help your body digest food and absorb important nutrients. Eating enough fiber also helps prevent problems like hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, or other painful digestive problems.

What does asparagus do to your body? ›

Asparagus is rich in minerals and vitamins A, C and folic acid. It's a fibrous vegetable that may support a healthy gut, as well as help to lower blood pressure. For these reasons, it can be considered a healthy addition to any diet.

Is asparagus good for belly fat? ›

Asparagus isn't as popular a veggie as others on this list, but it's a wonder food when it comes to burning fat and slimming down. Asparagus contains the chemical asparagine, which is an alkaloid that acts directly on cells and breaks down fat.

Should asparagus be hard or soft when cooked? ›

How do you know when asparagus is done cooking? It should be tender, not soggy. Asparagus that is done cooking will also have a bright green hue to it.

Can you eat asparagus raw? ›

Asparagus, a vegetable with a high nutritional value, can be eaten cooked or raw. Because of its chewy texture, cooking is the most common preparation method. However, thinly sliced ​​or seasoned raw asparagus can give the dish just as much flavor.

Is it better to blanch or steam asparagus? ›

One easy way to cook asparagus is to blanch it. Not only is it quick, but blanching also helps retain the vegetable's vibrant green color. Plus, blanched asparagus results in a crisp-tender texture, perfect for recipes like Asparagus Salad with Eggs & Jambon de Bayonne and Tarragon Scallops on Asparagus Spears.

How does Martha Stewart prepare asparagus? ›

Drizzle with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, toss to coat, then sprinkle with coarse salt, pepper, and a quarter cup of shredded Parmesan. Roast for 15 minutes in a 450°F oven until the cheese is melted and golden. That's it! This recipe is deceptively simple, but the genius is in the heat.

What are the 5 ways to cook asparagus? ›

Learn how to cook asparagus in six different ways: Boiling, steaming, oven-roasting, sauteing, broiling, and pan-roasting. Each method makes the tender green spears pop with flavor. The fibrous vegetable cooks up in minutes for a healthy side dish.

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