15+ Adorable Valentine Crafts Toddlers Will Adore (2024)


Happy February readers! Thank you so much for for stopping by today and please continue to explore the site! I’m excited for you to check out these adorable Valentine crafts toddlers will absolutely adore.

We love February in my house because not only do we celebrate Black History Month and Valentines Day, but it’s also my daughter’s birthday month and my birthday month as well!

Let the celebrations begin!

It’s especially great for young kids to be able to celebrate love between themselves and the ones who love them. I love these cute craft ideas and I think your kids will too!

15+ Adorable Valentine Crafts Toddlers Will Adore (1)

Quick and easy activities are the necessary for young children because there is absolutely no guarantee a toddler will give your activity the time of day. That’s one reason why I love to do crafts that can be used over and over again like my Chicka Boom Boom Tree Craft

Below I share a collection of V-Day activities that I view as simple, quick, fun, and creative 🙂 Enjoy!

Easy Valentine Crafts Ideas for Kids

  1. Kicking off the month with one my daughter’s most requested and easiest activities! Creative (messy) decorating! This time with foam hearts.

My daughter will decorate anything she can get her hands on as long as glitter glue is involved. And maybe sequins ?? It must sparkle and it should preferably be purple or pink.

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15+ Adorable Valentine Crafts Toddlers Will Adore (3)
15+ Adorable Valentine Crafts Toddlers Will Adore (4)

One of my favs. This heart tree project is a fun and easy way for your toddler to be a creative! Check out this DIY craft project out at artycraftykids.com

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2. This cool crayon hearts arts project is creative and amazing! Very Cute. I will DEFINITELY be doing this project using this hearts baking pan. Check it out at princesspinkygirl.com.

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3. I love activities that are simple and easy for my toddler! ( and involve tearing) Check out this DIY heart at loveplayandlearn.com

15+ Adorable Valentine Crafts Toddlers Will Adore (7)

4. I love doing hand print crafts with children because they make great keeptsakes. They are so fun to look back on to see how small our little darling used to be. Check it out at nannyshecando.com

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5. Kids love paint. It’s a fact. Probably because it’s messy. This is a great way to have a fairly mess free and simple craft idea for kids. See how it’s done at fantasticfunandlearning.com

15+ Adorable Valentine Crafts Toddlers Will Adore (9)

6. This one may get a little messy as well, so make sure to prep your table with a barrier. See how it’s done at craftsonsea.co.uk.

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7. Again, keepsake craft ideas for kids are some of my favorites because they really last a long time and create great memories! Take a closer look at this at hellobee.com. (Scroll Down)

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8. How cute is this craft? You mean scribbling is aloud and we still get something adorable? Genius! mymundaneandmiraculouslife.com.

15+ Adorable Valentine Crafts Toddlers Will Adore (12)

9. Again, toddlers can’t get enough of paint and it’s even better for. us parents when its mess free paint. Gasp! This is a great idea for all ages. mymundaneandmiraculouslife.com.

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10. These Thumbprint Hearts are so fun! Find it at redtedart.com

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11. This is an endearing and fun footprint art idea for Valentine’s Day. Dads need love too! youandkids.com

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12. Keepsake projects are the best! They may take a little extra material and preparation, but the last forever. Check it out at www.inspirationalmomma.com.

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13. This is a great creative craft idea for kids. Personally did this one yesterday and my son LOVED it. Noise is good lol. sunshinewhispers.com

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14. Aww this one is a great Valentine’s Day craft idea and its simple too! Check out this DIY activity at thepinterestedparent.com.

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15. My son loves chalk. Seriously, I mean he LOVES it. This is such a great way to allow toddlers to explore and play for this holiday of love! buggyandbuddy.com.

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I hope you enjoyed these fun sorting activities for preschool! Please comment below and let me know some sensory activities that keep your kids entertained! I would love to see some additional ideas!

Also check out my posts on a great fun activities and summer crafts for more fun ideas!

Also, remember to sign up for your FREE weekly activities planner on the top or the right side of the page and check out my printables page!

15+ Adorable Valentine Crafts Toddlers Will Adore (20)


Welcome to my blog! I am an activity mom of three and I have over 15 years of experience crafting, writing, designing and creating. My mission is to bring fun, balance and learning to your busy homes with activities, tips, inspiration, and organization!


15+ Adorable Valentine Crafts Toddlers Will Adore (2024)


15+ Adorable Valentine Crafts Toddlers Will Adore? ›

Homemade Valentine's Day Gifts for Kids:Love-Themed Crafts: Create heart-shaped bookmarks, love-themed door hangers, or custom Valentine's cards. Baked Treats: Bake heart-shaped cookies or cupcakes that kids can decorate. Photo Memory Book: Create a small scrapbook filled with photos and fun memories.

What do children make for Valentine's Day? ›

Homemade Valentine's Day Gifts for Kids:Love-Themed Crafts: Create heart-shaped bookmarks, love-themed door hangers, or custom Valentine's cards. Baked Treats: Bake heart-shaped cookies or cupcakes that kids can decorate. Photo Memory Book: Create a small scrapbook filled with photos and fun memories.

How do I teach my toddler Valentines Day? ›

Tips to Teach & Show Children the Meaning of Love
  1. Express "I love you" in words and notes. ...
  2. Spend meaningful time with your children. ...
  3. Make something with your child for Valentine's Day. ...
  4. Celebrate your child's best efforts rather than focus on achievements. ...
  5. Dream with your child. ...
  6. Let go, listen, and laugh.
Mar 1, 2020

Do parents give kids Valentines gifts? ›

Yes, giving your child a Valentine's Day card or treat is a lovely thing to do. Those who include their children in Valentine's Day tend to go all out on presents and special meals and messages of caring and kindness. "We have little presents and special dinner," says Stephanie M. "My little boy calls it Love Day."

What is a fun fact for kids about Valentines day? ›

Here's some Valentine's Day facts to make the holiday more fun. 1) Over 8 billion candy hearts are produced for Valentine's Day every year! Don't worry if you still have last year's box — they have a shelf life of five years. 2) Nearly 250 million roses are grown in preparation for Valentine's Day each year.

What is the Valentine baby called? ›

14, Valentine's Day is marked by shades of pink, flowers, chocolates, romantic movies and wine — and images of a magical baby boy who flies around shooting arrows at people. But despite his infant form, that baby, widely known these days as Cupid, began his mythological life as a man who had more power than any god.

What is Valentine box for kids? ›

A Valentine's box is simply a box for kids to collect cards and gifts on Valentine's Day, which can be used at home or taken to school. There's much more to these boxes than their practicality though. They can be designed in a multitude of ways, and the sky's the limit when it comes to decoration.

What to tell kids about Valentine's Day? ›

“Talk about Valentine's Day as a day of sharing love for all people, not just romantic interests,” says Dee Ray, director of the Center for Play Therapy and professor in the counseling and higher education department at the University of North Texas in Denton.

What is a nice Valentine's Day quote? ›

Valentine's Day only comes once a year, but every day you fill my life with joy. Thank you for all you do in our relationship! No matter where I go, the warmest place will always be in your arms. Sweetheart I love you today, tomorrow, and forever after.

Should kids celebrate Valentine's Day? ›

"The holiday is perfectly OK as it's a celebration of love. Valentine's Day is an all-inclusive day that doesn't differentiate between the gender of partners."

What item makes the most money from Valentine's Day? ›

60% of Americans planned to buy greetings and gift cards (NRF report 2023). Therefore, they are the top-selling items for Valentine's Day, especially if they are unique or personalized. Many people like to exchange cards on this holiday as a way to express their feelings and affection for their loved ones.

How can I make Valentine's Day special? ›

Here are 14 ideas to help make this Valentine's Day extra special!
  1. Make a Valentine's Day Charcuterie Board. ...
  2. Send Valentines. ...
  3. Decorate in Hearts. ...
  4. Create a Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt. ...
  5. Have a Valentine's Day Photo Shoot. ...
  6. Surprise Your Kids with Love Notes. ...
  7. Put Up a Valentine's Day Tree. ...
  8. Break a Heart-Shaped Piñata.

How do you make Valentine's special on a budget? ›

Celebrating Valentine's Day on a budget doesn't have to disappoint.
  1. 1| Weekend Away At InTown Suites.
  2. 2| Flowers From The Heart.
  3. 3| Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt.
  4. 4| Recreate Special Memories.
  5. 5| Best Friends Date Night.
  6. 6| Share Love Notes & Memories.
  7. 7| Create An Edible Bouquet.
  8. 8| Valentine's Day Playlist.

What do school children exchange on Valentine's Day? ›

It's a wonderful gesture for kids to show gratitude to their teachers on Valentine's Day [but] it needn't be anything elaborate. A heartfelt, homemade card or a modest gift, such as a drawing or a simple craft project, can be incredibly meaningful.” Kopach says she particularly loves homemade cards.

What are some popular Valentine Day gifts? ›

What are the most popular gifts to send for Valentine's Day?
  • Flowers & Chocolates. ...
  • Cook a Romantic Dinner Together. ...
  • Treasure Hunt. ...
  • Couples Activity. ...
  • Make Your Own Card.

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